Your current Fish tank Setups!

Here's a couple pics, excuse the poor quality!

My fave guys in the tank;

What sort of cory is that? I'd just have a tank full of corys if it wouldn't end up with a very empty top/middle.
I don't know anyone with an aquarium though :(

Gonna take my time and get some ammonia...

Not going with live plants though, too much hassle for now. Plus haven't got enough light.

How's the cycling going mate? You got it started yet?

Had a nice pH crash yesterday and it hasn't stayed stable since so a nice 100% water change & re-dose of ammonia was in order. What a wonderful hour of time that was :(

Here's hoping it hasn't caused too much disruption , should be done in the next couple of weeks if all goes to plan! :D
Not started yet, testing kit arrived yesterday, but we are away this weekend, and I want to give it the best possible start, so Monday it is!!!
not seen this thread before, I bought a 5ft tank about 3 weeks ago, new to fish keeping but all is going well. Some nice tanks and fish in here :)
I have nearly finished sorting out the tank (looking to have it all done by the weekend) & once set up and filled was going to add some plants. I have some fine gravel that was going to be used in the bottom of the tank, possibly with a layer of course gravel on top. As the tank will have a reasonably large goldfish in that will be pulling at the plants would the above be a suitable substrate that the plants will be able to root properly in and not get pulled out easily, or is there anything, like soil, or peat that can be used below the gravel to provide nutrients to the plants and allow them to root better so as not to be pulled out?

Also are there any plants that I should avoid that could be toxic to the goldfish, or will all aquarium plants be alright for it to eat?
Not started yet, testing kit arrived yesterday, but we are away this weekend, and I want to give it the best possible start, so Monday it is!!!

If you have not started yet (You said you would on Monday) then where are you? You have location as S Lincs so if not too far from me I can give you some sponge or a squeeze to get you started.

My tank has been running for well over a year now and not cleaned a filter for 5 months so probably a good amount of bacteria in there to donate :)
anyone know a way to coax my shrimps out from behind my background? they prefer being behind there but there isn't any food behind there, worried they might die :(
If you have not started yet (You said you would on Monday) then where are you? You have location as S Lincs so if not too far from me I can give you some sponge or a squeeze to get you started.

My tank has been running for well over a year now and not cleaned a filter for 5 months so probably a good amount of bacteria in there to donate :)

Started ammonia cycling Monday...
Move the background to the outside of the tank..

cant, the interpet river reef aquarium has a background the is stuck to the inside, and the shrimps are exploiting a little gap in the bottom right hand corner.

Im worried that they've got in, and cant get back out
anyone know a way to coax my shrimps out from behind my background? they prefer being behind there but there isn't any food behind there, worried they might die :(

As long as they can get out they will be fine, if theyre hungry theyll come out. very hard to starve fish/inverts!
Good news, think one or maybe both are moulting. Just seen a moult from the smaller of the two, and the bigger one might moult too. Been going crazy in my algae ridden tank for about two weeks now, must be gaining in size due to the amount of detritus available.

Will get pics up of my tank when they decide to make an appearance
One of my shrimp is carrying a gajillion eggs (yes thats right, a gajillion). Any tips on helping her have lots of healthy young shrimp?

I was told that ghost shrimp need brackish waters for the babies to develop (not sure if that's 100% correct) but I've never had any success with my shrimps clutches hatching although that's likely to be my chain loaches eating them up...
I was told that ghost shrimp need brackish waters for the babies to develop (not sure if that's 100% correct) but I've never had any success with my shrimps clutches hatching although that's likely to be my chain loaches eating them up...

Im not sure they are ghost shrimp, with every moult they seem to develop more colour.

She did one moult and now has eggs, so when she decides to emerge, I'll get a pic up and hopefully someone can id it
Is now the proud owner of 2 Honey Gouramis and a (misold!!) Pearl Gourami in a 10 gal tank. The potential size of the Pearl is bugging me somewhat given that it was misold but I shall find a good home for it to go to when it gets too big!

Lovely little things just getting used to there new home. Not shy at all and swimming around nicely!

Just got back from a weekend away to find my filter has broken :( I've set up a mini air pump filter with the old media and an old mini power head for some water movement so should be fine for a few days with daily changes but need to get a new one soon.

Any recommendations on an external filter for a 180L tropical tank?

Ideally one with a compartment for a heater (or built in heater) as I want to take the opportunity to tidy up the inside of the tank a bit. It was running a fluval 4+ internal filter.

edit: actually built in heater isn't important, just remembered you can get heaters that form part of the intake
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