I have a 4ft tropical planted tank with various live plants and lillys etc. The tank is filtered by 2x Tetratec ex1200 so plenty of filtration. My fish stock is abit random and mainly due to what my son chooses when we go to various fish places. I currently have 4x discus 2 females and 2 males. Also have 2 bristle nose plecos which replaced my much loved golden nugget pleco which died in a recent house move I also have a Siamese fighter fish. And the most random latest fish added which to be honest I shouldn't of let into the tank but so far hes been really good and its a gorgeous black and orange Oscar. I'm just setting up a small tank I have to get the siamese fighter out as I think hes abit terrified of the oscar and permanently hides. I also have a small electric blue jack dempsey. Currently looking to upgrade to a larger tank due to the Discus forever trying to breed and fighting so guess more room might help.