Your current Fish tank Setups!

I have a 4ft tropical planted tank with various live plants and lillys etc. The tank is filtered by 2x Tetratec ex1200 so plenty of filtration. My fish stock is abit random and mainly due to what my son chooses when we go to various fish places. I currently have 4x discus 2 females and 2 males. Also have 2 bristle nose plecos which replaced my much loved golden nugget pleco which died in a recent house move :-( I also have a Siamese fighter fish. And the most random latest fish added which to be honest I shouldn't of let into the tank but so far hes been really good and its a gorgeous black and orange Oscar. I'm just setting up a small tank I have to get the siamese fighter out as I think hes abit terrified of the oscar and permanently hides. I also have a small electric blue jack dempsey. Currently looking to upgrade to a larger tank due to the Discus forever trying to breed and fighting so guess more room might help.
Any recommendations on an external filter for a 180L tropical tank?

Fluval 205 all the way, all the others just dont compare with it, its cheap and out-performs all the others. Plus they never break!

If your stocking heavy, or want that bit extra go for the 305 as the 205 is borderline for your tank :)
I'd go with the 305.

I've got a 180L which came with the 205 and it tended suffer from reduced flow after 2-3 weeks and needed a good clean out. Upgraded to a 305 and that only needs a clean every 2-3 months.
I have had a few External Tetratecs and never had any big problems and they seem to do the job well. So I do reccomend them, But I feel there's probably a lot of improvement to be had possibly elsewhere.
I've heard good things about Tetratec as well.

I've got a Fluval tank that's prefitted with the external filter pipes so the upgrade to a 305 was a no brainer as it uses the same quick release coupling as the 205.

Eheim come recommended by my LFS, but they're not cheap.
Thanks guys, Eheim is a bit out of my preferred price range, Tetratec External Power Filter Ex700 at £77.85 is looking like a winner online, I'm heading down my LFS tonight to see whay they have as well.

Do external filters normally include an intake and spray bar or do you have to get those separately?

edit: Nevermind found the answer
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Cheers, LFS didn't have any decent filters for resonable prices, I've ordered the Tetratec External Power Filter Ex700 now :)
A couple of tips with the tetratec external filters are, Fill it almost right up when filling with water and try not to over pump the primer as it can force water back out around the primer. Mine normally only needs 2 or 3 pumps at most making sure all valves are open.

Tetratec have been brilliant when I did have a problem which was to be honest mostly my fault so don't hesitate to contact them if anything goes wrong.
Guys, my tank is at work and will be unable to feed them for 2 weeks as the place will be locked down. I'm wondering how I'm gonna feed them.. I may have to invest in one of those feeding timer things.
I use to use the eheim autofeeder with tetra prime. It's bit pricey but worked well until it fell into the tank and stopped working..... Can put 2 weeks dosage in that I would have thought. It's a big gamble leaving ur fish for that long tho.
Fish should be fine for 2 weeks. I only feed mine about twice a week, sometimes less. Unless you are away for 3 weeks or more then a good feed every day for a few days before you go away is all you need.
Most fish have tiny stomachs and need feeding 3-4 times a day small amounts so I'm very surprised by what some of you have said....? My fish are ravenous for food and I feed them 3 times a day. My Oscar would be happy with 6 times a day but he's greedy and growing a centermeter a month atm.
Most fish have tiny stomachs and need feeding 3-4 times a day small amounts so I'm very surprised by what some of you have said....? My fish are ravenous for food and I feed them 3 times a day. My Oscar would be happy with 6 times a day but he's greedy and growing a centermeter a month atm.

This goes against pretty much all the research I've done into feeding fish.
I've always read less is better.

I feed once a day, but might reduce it in the weeks leading up to it to about once every other day. Then use some sort of pellet/flake mix on a timer and see if that works.
fish will eat as much as you give them. So if it goes in the tank they will eat it. They don't eat everyday in the wild and are happy not to. Oscars may need more due to size and behavior but not 3-4 per day. Honestly think you are overfeeding and a lot of waste going into you tank. How much are you overfiltering by? Oscars are notoriously messy at the best of times.
I used to feed mine once a day or sometimes once every other day. You won't lose any fish due to starvation, they need so little to thrive.
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