Right, I've got a mountain of reading to do thanks to the links supplied in this thread, but was wanting to check whether there are any other resources that haven't been mentioned yet with regards to setting up a planted tropical tank.
Picking up a second hand Trigon 350 at the weekend with all "gubbins". I used to keep tropicals about 10 years ago, but never with a planted tank.
I'm going to look to set the tank up as a freshwater tropical since I've got some experience there, but I want to plant it properly this time, so I'm looking around on the UKAPS site at present to do some reading. My intention is to get it up and running, add some loaches and algae eaters to start (probably a bristlenosed plec or 2) and only start adding "decorative" fish once I have an established environment in the following months.
I'm still reading up on Soil vs subtrate vs sand vs everything else at present, but any pointers to resources would be hugely appreciated (happy to seek my own answers, it's just knowing where the reputable resources are!!).