Your current Fish tank Setups!

I have had my current set up a few months now and all seems to be well - I did have 5 neons but 4 died in the space of a week due to poor upkeep from the shop I got them from

1x Neon Tetra
2x Danios
2x Cherry Barbs

Let me know what you think
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Hello all,

Im currently fishless cycling my new Fluval Roma 200. I really cant wait to get some fish in it now :) Im going to go for a community tank I think as this is my first. I will probably go for some tetras, barbs, mollys, a plec or two and maybe some zebra louches but not 100% yet, what do you recommend? I would love some tiger barbs but heard they can be quite nippy and stressful to other fish.

I have a couple of other questions, is my tank got enough decor in and enough hiding? I do have a piece of bog wood that goes behind the bridge but thats soaking at the moment.

I have a Aquamanta EFX400 canister filter which is rated for up to 400l so that should be plenty. What sort of stocks should I aim for?

Any other recommendations would be great!

Many thanks :)





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Well I had my heart set on a fluval edge, my wife wanted a bio-orb, she won...

Still, it doesn't look too bad. A couple of Cory's, minnows and guppies - just done a water change to keep everyone happy.

Nice tank Peter, get some Zebra loach, I love mine, they have character and keep to themselves :)

Cleaned my tank out today and bought new filters, also bought the pipe thing and the anchor

I did have 5 neons but 4 died in the space of a week due to poor upkeep from the shop I got them from

1x Neon Tetra
2x Danios
2x Cherry Barbs

Let me know what you think

Nice tank :) However, for future reference, I suspect the neons died as this was a new tank when they were introduced. Neons need an established tank to do well.
Nice tank :) However, for future reference, I suspect the neons died as this was a new tank when they were introduced. Neons need an established tank to do well.

Too True, their not as hardy as some shops make out.

I'm having a slight problem with hair alge :rolleyes: I've cut light down to 5 hours with little success and have cut the amounts I'm feeding.
Tests for nitrate are coming up low so It must be light from the window. Anyone here had any success with the blackout method?
Blackouts can work, as can spot treatment with Excel and a toothbrush. Other options are ensuring your flow is good and employing some Amano shrimp.
Blackouts can work, as can spot treatment with Excel and a toothbrush. Other options are ensuring your flow is good and employing some Amano shrimp.

Well I'm currently using easycarbo daily at 1ml/50ltr (100ltr'ish tank) Would it be worth increasing the dose?
As for flow I'm running a ex1200 external and a juwel 600lph internal so that shouldn't be the issue.
How hardy are the shrimp? My clown plec and male dwarf gourami can be fairly aggressive especially when feeding.

Neons are nowhere near as hardy as they used to be. I stopped keeping them after disease outbreaks would wipe out 10+ within a week.

Replaced them with cardinals and glowlights and I've not lost a single tetra in over a year.
Can anyone advise if taking some ceramic media/bio balls from my Father-in-laws koi pond and putting them in my filter is a good idea for speeding up cycling? The pond has been running for a good few years now with a big koi in there. All the fish are healthy and water is very clear.

Can anyone advise if taking some ceramic media/bio balls from my Father-in-laws koi pond and putting them in my filter is a good idea for speeding up cycling? The pond has been running for a good few years now with a big koi in there. All the fish are healthy and water is very clear.


Should be fine, with the obvious caveat that there's always a chance of carrying any diseases in the pond across.
Took a few more shots tonight, still considering a rescape but don't think it looks too shabby now I've unclogged all the floating plants and the bottom is getting some light -



Hi all,

You all seem like knowledgeable chaps!

I'm looking to get myself a nice little starter soon, I haven't kept fish before but quite fancy something to pop on my desk/bedside table or whatever. I'm looking for it to be quite small but big enough to keep one or two fish in or some shrimps.

I was looking at the Fluval Chi 19 Litre tanks and also the biOrb Flow 15 Litre tanks, I'd like something quite affordable (to purchase) and easy to maintain and set up, this size seems pretty good and suitable for what I'm after.

Can anyone give any advice as what would be good to start with etc and the set up costs/maintaining costs and if there any good websites with information that'll keep me going :).

I'm not sure what fish can live in what size tanks and all of that too, so that sort of information would be fantastic. I'd love to keep a Betta fish but unsure of how difficult they are to maintain and keep and what sized tank, so any info would be good.

i am new to this too matey, my tank is now 6 months old, and i would be happy to help you over some pit falls, but i will give the more experianced chaps on here a little time, to chime in to help you.
Can anyone help me with my fishless cycle...

I seem to have had my nitrite spike as it hit 7-8ppm and is now down to 0.25 again but my ammonia has never dropped below 1ppm is this normal?
First time keeping fish, got the biube un-used cheap off the neighbours

When I was new to the fish business I had a few problems as I was too inpatient although now I have an established tank and plenty of happy fish all getting along.

May I just give you some advice and mention that ideally your heater should be placed at a slight angle (as it also say's in the instructions) due to heat rising and triggering the thermostat.
Nice tank Peter, get some Zebra loach, I love mine, they have character and keep to themselves :)

Cleaned my tank out today and bought new filters, also bought the pipe thing and the anchor


i had one of those red tailed sharks was a git for chasing other fish about :p
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