I did have 5 neons but 4 died in the space of a week due to poor upkeep from the shop I got them from
1x Neon Tetra
2x Danios
2x Cherry Barbs
Let me know what you think
Nice tank However, for future reference, I suspect the neons died as this was a new tank when they were introduced. Neons need an established tank to do well.
Blackouts can work, as can spot treatment with Excel and a toothbrush. Other options are ensuring your flow is good and employing some Amano shrimp.
Can anyone advise if taking some ceramic media/bio balls from my Father-in-laws koi pond and putting them in my filter is a good idea for speeding up cycling? The pond has been running for a good few years now with a big koi in there. All the fish are healthy and water is very clear.
Nice tank Peter, get some Zebra loach, I love mine, they have character and keep to themselves
Cleaned my tank out today and bought new filters, also bought the pipe thing and the anchor