Your current Fish tank Setups!

Has anyone had issues with Ammonia spikes? got a 64ltr tank, had 4 tetras in at first, it spiked then dropped quickly back to 0, left it another week then added 4 more tetras and two plecs, a week later, Ammonia level is at 4, have cleaned the gravel, done a water change and have swapped out the carbon filter (its an interpet pf2), so am wondering if theres an issue or if the spike is expected a week after adding the additional fish and i need to give it longer to settle?

Carbon filter is unrelated to ammonia handling, so ignore that. The spike should not occur. Is this already an established tank? If you have a healthy tank, I'd temporarily rehome them.

dfarrall, MadMan-JaMeS, Makhaira - Unfortunately I can't reuse the old media ,I threw the tetratec out of the back door after breaking it down several times trying to find the source of the leak :o so I couldn't keep the media going whilst waiting for the new filter to arrive (not enough room in the tank). Although I did scrape the contents off of the floss I have in the internal, which I'd rather keep going due to the tank being quite heavily planted and slightly overstocked at 120ltr so the extra flow is quite nice.

And gort, I have come to the same conclusion. when they work their fantastic for the money, shame the design seems so flawed.
So I'm looking at about a month then? Mainly worried about my otto's everything else is quite hardy :(

You'll probably get away with it, but things you can do to improve your chances:

1) Don't overfeed. Always good advice, but particularly now, since any ammonia from waste food breaking down could be an issue.
2) Do water changes once a week, probably 25% at least
3) Keep an eye on your less hardy fish as a warning sign - as you say, Oto's can be picky, so pay attention to them.
You'll probably get away with it, but things you can do to improve your chances:

1) Don't overfeed. Always good advice, but particularly now, since any ammonia from waste food breaking down could be an issue.
2) Do water changes once a week, probably 25% at least
3) Keep an eye on your less hardy fish as a warning sign - as you say, Oto's can be picky, so pay attention to them.

Thats pretty much what I'm doing now, with an extra 10% water change in the middle of the week just to prevent any possible ammonia build up. Well that makes me feel a bit more relived.

How long has the tank been running? How long had it been running before you added fish? I'd say the plecs might be causing you the problems, they can be messy little sods.

Tank was running a fishless cycle for two weeks before adding 6 tetras, one died within 2hrs and the other got caught in the filter, it was another two weeks before adding the other tetras and the plecs, they are definately messy little things! Maybe I havent given it long enough?
yep, the ammonia was high a few days after adding the first tetras, tested around two weeks later and it had zero'd, nitrate and nitrite levels have always been extremely low. Feed wise, they had up until now been on a 12hr feed, Ive taken that back to just once a day.
Nitrite should be zero too. Sounds like the tank hadn't fully cycled when you added the fish. Similar advice to gitbags really, keep on top of the changes and wait for it to stabilise. Plecs are a significant bioload as people have already mentioned, so adding them to an immature tank has highlighted the problem.
Had a bit of a rescape recently. Rather pleased with things at the moment.


Some mildly ridiculous wide angle shots...




And in other news, I've got rosy loach (Petruicthys sp 'rosy') fry in the breeding tank -

2 days old -

7 days old -

12 days old -

The Sawbwa fry all made it and are almost big enough to go in with the adults now.
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My small 50lt guppy tank has Developed a major Leak today so I've gone out and purchased a AquaNano 40 (55lt)

With the leak I am going to have to move the Guppys over to the new tank ASAP
If I use all the old water,gravel & plants and use the old filter (till the new filter starts to cycle )

And do a weekly water change will the guppys stand a chance?
What would you guys suggest for a reasonably priced external filter? I don't think the internal affair is coping too well on the aqua one ar850 and would like to up the filtration capacity a little if possible?

Thanks :)
any one had any problams keeping black knife ghost fish mine never last more that 24 hrs

Would the ppl on fish forums who you say treated you like a retard asked basic questions like size of your tank, length of time its been running, filtration you use and basic water parameters like temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels? Just without knowing any of this info its pretty hard to answer your question. Have you talked to the shop you bought them from? Did they ask for a sample of water to test themselves and asked you the questions above? Are the other Black Knives in the dealers tank still alive and looking healthy?

I would say if you're new to keeping fish then don't try knife fishes, they are incredibly sensitive to ammonia, nitrite and high levels of nitrates in tank water and are also very difficult to treat if anything goes wrong as they don't have scales meaning most medications you buy to treat regular fish illnesses will kill them. They are also sensitive to electronic fields, so if you have a faulty piece of equipment in the tank that's discharging into the water it can stress them.

Black Knives grow quite large (to around 20") so if you're putting them in anything smaller than a 6'x2'x2' then you are storing up problems for later - and don't try the old BS of a fish will only grow to the size of the tank it lives in, deliberately stunting an animal is just plain cruelty.
Ok can see from your picture the tank isn't really suitable for the Black Knives, also them Kissing Gourami will outgrow it too, and is that a Parrot cichlid hiding behind the filter?

Can't see the point in using a lump of tufa rock, which will increase the pH and hardness in your tank with mopani or bog wood which will be trying to drop the pH. Pick one of them and then match in fish that like similar water conditions.
No cichlid in there it a dwarf Gourami or copper Gourami

LFs tell u need 60 liter tank for BKG mine is about 180 hard to work out since it is hex

bog wood is only there for the the red spot sailfin pleco

PH is 7.2 temp is 27.5 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10
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