Has anyone had issues with Ammonia spikes? got a 64ltr tank, had 4 tetras in at first, it spiked then dropped quickly back to 0, left it another week then added 4 more tetras and two plecs, a week later, Ammonia level is at 4, have cleaned the gravel, done a water change and have swapped out the carbon filter (its an interpet pf2), so am wondering if theres an issue or if the spike is expected a week after adding the additional fish and i need to give it longer to settle?
Carbon filter is unrelated to ammonia handling, so ignore that. The spike should not occur. Is this already an established tank? If you have a healthy tank, I'd temporarily rehome them.
dfarrall, MadMan-JaMeS, Makhaira - Unfortunately I can't reuse the old media ,I threw the tetratec out of the back door after breaking it down several times trying to find the source of the leak so I couldn't keep the media going whilst waiting for the new filter to arrive (not enough room in the tank). Although I did scrape the contents off of the floss I have in the internal, which I'd rather keep going due to the tank being quite heavily planted and slightly overstocked at 120ltr so the extra flow is quite nice.
And gort, I have come to the same conclusion. when they work their fantastic for the money, shame the design seems so flawed.
So I'm looking at about a month then? Mainly worried about my otto's everything else is quite hardy
You'll probably get away with it, but things you can do to improve your chances:
1) Don't overfeed. Always good advice, but particularly now, since any ammonia from waste food breaking down could be an issue.
2) Do water changes once a week, probably 25% at least
3) Keep an eye on your less hardy fish as a warning sign - as you say, Oto's can be picky, so pay attention to them.