Your Favorite N64 Games?

Anyone remember Hybrid Heaven?

It got panned on release but I actually enjoyed it a lot as a kid, was a pretty weird game though.

Duke Nukem 64 was also amazing, outside of the censorship I'd even say it was one of the better versions of the game. Spent hours playing multiplayer with friends, not just running through the game on co-op but picking a level for death match and teaming up against max level bots.
Pilot Wings
Zelda OOT
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Mario 64
Star Fox
Donkey Kong 64
Mario Kart 64
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire

Superman 64 :p

Still got my N64 in storage along with quite a few of the games above, what a great console :) Shame the pads are in a bad well worn state, the analogue sticks are all rickety.
Top 5 for me (I never owned an N64 but my mate did)

Goldeneye - spent weeks playing this it was incredible
Mario 64 - I was blown away playing this for the first time although I remember buying Tomb Raider 2 for my PS1 and thinking it looked better
Mario Kart 64 - Again like most enjoyed the endless multiplayer on this
Blast Corps - Tremendous; original game - actually forgot Rare did this until it popped up in the recent Rare Replay compilation
Body Harvest - DMA Design (now of GTA / Rockstar North fame) - great game fighting aliens but you could swap vehicles

Goldeneye my all time favourite,
Mario 64
Mario kart

Have you played any of those games recently?

Its good and fun! Brings back so many memories.
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Goldeneye my all time favourite,
Mario 64
Mario kart

Have you played any of those games recently?

Its good and fun! Brings back so many memories.

I've actually played Goldeneye recently (emulated) and its great fun although I might invest in a USB N64 controller; its just a bit odd playing some of the N64 game on a PS4 or Xbox Pad.
Been playing a lot of Mario Kart 64 on my phone!
Can't believe there hasn't been love for snowboard kids yet!

Apart from the usuals I'll add f-zero x and smash Bros. I'm currently doing an OoT play through where my daughter watches.
Christmas of 1998 was like my best Christmas ever. We all decided as friends to buy a game each as carts were like £60 each in 90's money!

Body Harvest
F-Zero 64
Zelda OOT
Turok 2

Body harvest was the one I got as I was following its development in N64 magazine at the time. Had many good hours on that!
Diddy Kong Racing, for sure better than Mario Kart 64!
Lylat Wars (Do a barrell roll fox!)

But actually Lylat wars is probably better on the 3DS along with Zelda too!
Greatest console of all time. Just came at the perfect age for me (had it when I was 13 IIRC). The following games were probably all the best games I’ve ever had outside of Deus Ex, Metal Gear Solid and CS1.6:

-Zelda: Ocarina of Time
-Mario 64
-Banjo Kazooie
-1080 Snowboarding
-Diddy Kong Racing
-Mario Party
-Donkey Kong 64
-Zelda: Majora’s Mask

Pumped so many hours into all of the above.

Unfortunately Banjo Tooie and Conkers Bad Fur Day came too late for me, I’d discovered PC’s and CS by that point. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were ok but I preferred platform/adventure games.

Good times!!
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