Your favourite games of all time


550 hours across two playthroughs, Witcher 3 with expansions is the first game that took over Fallout 1/2/NV in my "best ever" list.
My other favourite games, in no particular order:
Deus Ex
Hitman Blood Money
Witcher 1
Witcher 2
STALKER Call of Pripyat
MGS 1/2
Sleeping Dogs
Vampire: Bloodlines
Crew: Wild Run
I agree with others here and 'most hours' doesn't correlate to my best game. My favourite PC game of late has to be Elite Dangerous with over 7 weeks played. But it also depends on my mood as well. BF3 was my first real foray into online MP and I sunk so many hours into that and it is up there but that is Origin and if I go further back, there was Civilization, Populous, Doom, Sensible Soccer, Kick off 2 and further back, Elite on the C64 with Hyper Sports and even a couple of the Dizzy games.

Hard to have a favourite really and the same as films, music, cake :D
A lot of my game time had been wiped on Steam a while ago when they started monitoring it. I had spent hundreds of hours on Half Life, Day of Defeat Source and Counter Strike Source. Now my most played games are Portal 2 and Abe's Exoddus which are actually probably my favourite games.
Quake 2 ctf. Nothing since has matched it. We had quite the community going though which was why it was so good.

Back when multiplayer gaming was still a niche I guess :)
Can't limit myself to PC to answer an "all time" thread. :)

Fallout 3.
Bioshock series/story arc.
Gears of War 2 (Horde, River, hours of fun)
The Last of Us.
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