Your favourite movie scenes

26 Nov 2006
guildford, surrey
What are your favourite scenes in movies? Heres mine:

- Platoon, where they are all 'high' dancing/singing to smokey robinsons 'tracks of my tears'

-scarface, the bit in the middle of the film, after he kills his boss and it does that little musical section (push it to the limit song) and shows him rising to power, really cool. Oh and also the ending, 'say hello to my little friend' etc etc.

- the ending of terminator 2, where he lowers himself into the pit at the end, giving the thumbs up.

quite a few more, the gay bar dance in american pie the wedding, lots of scenes in city of god plus films like pulp fiction have some memorable scenes in them.
Old Boy - Corridor Fight

Shaun of the Dead - Walking to the shop (both times)

Ghostbusters 2 - Echoes in the subway

Pulp Fiction - In the rapists shop

Leon - Opening and ending fights

Metal Gear Solid 2 - Snake breaks his handcuffs and dives after Ray. (Not really a film, but come on it should be)
Let's see...

-- Return of the Jedi - seeing Luke's new lightsaber for the first time. I mean... it was green for crying out loud! GREEN!! Also, the duel at the end after Vader is taunting him about Leia.

-- Enter the Dragon - the scene where he's fighting Ohara. Also, the scene where's he's going insane on all those guards underground.

-- Fellowship of the Ring - the opening battle scene. Pure Awe.

-- Terminator 2 - the T1000 chasing John on foot. That was one of the most thrilling action scenes I've ever scene.

-- The Goonies - seeing the mysterious locked-up man's face for the first time. And the scene where they find the treasure.

-- Two Towers - Gandalf kicking Balrog ass. (btw, did that remind anyone of Evangelion?)

-- Revenge of the Sith - Yoda and Palpatine dueling.

-- The Fountain - I remember most scenes of that film, absolutely amazing. For the sake of the thread though, the end scenes are the best.

That's all I can think of for now...
Shawshank Redemtion, many many scenes in it but mostly where all is revealed and Waden Norton realises he's been had.
Aliens - Ripley suiting up in the lifting gear to protect Newt, "Get away from her you female dog!"

Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers - Battle of Helms Deep, legendary.

The Neverending Story - Where Bastian rides with Falcore through the real world and scare the guys who were bullying him to jump into the trash cans, hoorah!

Terminator 2 - Again, the ending is awesome.

They're all that come to mind at the moment.
Terminator 2 @ the Cyberdyne building. *Smash*Table through window "That's a damn minigun" *helicopter flies away* firing, explosions, grenades...
Infact, from the Cyberdyne building onwards I absolutely love it. (Not that I don't like the earlier parts of the film)
42:23 secs into Basic Instinct;) (joke!)

Withnail and I - The attempted buggery scene!

The Bourne Series - The one on one close encounter fight scenes - there is one in each of the 3.

American Psycho - the scene with the business cards - hilarious.

Amelie - The bit where Amelie offers some money to a homeless peson, and he replies, no thank you, I dont work on the weekend.
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I think my favourite movie scene of all time is from True Romance, when Christopher Walken and Dennis Hopper sit down and have a little chat in the caravan.

- The end of The Usual Suspects

- The end of The Shawshank Redemption

- The end of Donnie Darko

are a few others that come to mind.
The whole shootout scene in the city in Heat!

The classic 'luke I am your father'

Saving private ryan d-day

Also the ending of oldboy - wowza!
- the ending of terminator 2, where he lowers himself into the pit at the end, giving the thumbs up.
That one.
-- Two Towers - Gandalf kicking Balrog ass.
And that one. Best opening to a film ever imo.

Matrix - When Neo stops the bullets
Usual Suspects - Ending
Saw - Ending
Goodfellas - Tommy bullying Spider
Jackie Brown - Sam Jackson shoots De Niro for losing the money.

Too many more to think of off the top of my head.
True Romance, when Christopher Walken and Dennis Hopper sit down and have a little chat in the caravan.


The Usual Suspects : 'Give me the ******* keys, you ******* ****sucker'

Was meant to be dead serious but the cast got a fit of the giggles and Singer had to edit it with some of the laughter in. Also the 'In english, please' line is an ad lib on the day.

Pitch Black : The crash sequence

Reservoir Dogs: The breakfast scene, 'Let's go to work.'
The Usual Suspects : 'Give me the ******* keys, you ******* ****sucker'

Was meant to be dead serious but the cast got a fit of the giggles and Singer had to edit it with some of the laughter in. Also the 'In english, please' line is an ad lib on the day.

Agreed, its a brilliant scene, and film. I need to watch it again
I love all of the fifth element ( a much underated film in my opinion)
but the one that always makes me laugh is where they are attempting to board the shuttle off earth to go on their prize holiday and people keep turning up claiming to be corben dallas

and the entire closing segment of pulp fiction in the diner as the conversation is just so natural and funny
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