Your favourite movie scenes

The last 5 minutes of Pans Labyrinth.

Terminator 2 ending with the molten metal.

The final battle in Excalibur.

The bit where they charge up the hill in We Were Soldiers.
Return of the Jedi - The opening sequence where Vader's shuttle drops out of the Star Destroyer, unfolds its wings and glides past the camera with a pair of TIEs towards the half-built Death Star. I know it's all done with plastic models but it just makes my jaw drop even to this day

Revenge of the Sith - All those lightsaber duels. The lightsaber is simply the coolest weapon in cinema history ...

Not that I'm a sad old fart with a Star Wars fixation :D ...
Not because it is a great film or anything like that but in The Replacements where they all start dancing to I Will Survive in the jail after the bar fight is brilliant, always brings a smile to my face.

The scene in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels when Tom (Jason Flemyng) is in the pub and Barfly Jack (Danny John-Jules) is describing Rory Breaker (Vas Blackwood) in Cockney rhyming slang.
scarface- the whole film is just one massive legendary scene for me.

heat - the city shoot out and the diner where they finally meet.

saw 1 - the end shock bit had my mouth wide open with asonishment.

american pie 3 - stifler dancing in the gay bar.

anchorman - where ron pays the tele prompter guy to say " here is your anchorman ron burgundy and **** mcgee" i was crying with laughter at that and replayed it so many times.

revenge of the sith - general grievous vs obi wan, ok so general grievous gets whooped but he is by far the best lightsaber guy! why ? he has 4 FFS! that screams AM THE DADDY!

40yr old virgin - the poker scene at *** start when andy is describing what a breast feels like ahahah

truman show - the end when he realises its all fake was really emotional.

that'll do for em cause i coud go on for ages.
Return of the Jedi - The opening sequence where Vader's shuttle drops out of the Star Destroyer, unfolds its wings and glides past the camera with a pair of TIEs towards the half-built Death Star. I know it's all done with plastic models but it just makes my jaw drop even to this day

To me the models are so much more impressive than digital FX, I admire the effort and the detail in them so much more
Top Gun - Dog fighting with Jester

Collateral - The night club shootout

Superman Returns - The shuttle/jumbo jet bit when you see superman for the first time do his thing (the rest sucked)
Apocalypse Now - The whole Kilgore scene.

About the best part of the film, I think the rest of it is a bit overblown and overrated.

One of my favourite scenes in a film is the tracking shot in Goodfellas when Ray Liotta enters the club through the kitchen. One of the best tracking shots in history.

Another favourite is the Harry Lime reveal in The Third Man and the chase that follows it. The whole thing is so well lit and atmospheric, one of the greatest films ever and rightly so. I think I might have to rewatch it this weekend.
Alien - at dinner before going into deep sleep, the alien ripping itself through john hurt's chest ('Kane') ; this truly was a revolutionary moment in film at the time (before cgi ), my No1 film of all time
About the best part of the film, I think the rest of it is a bit overblown and overrated.

One of my favourite scenes in a film is the tracking shot in Goodfellas when Ray Liotta enters the club through the kitchen. One of the best tracking shots in history.

what i dont get is why he went the back way when everyone knew him?
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