Your favourites!

Vehicle - TVR (if money's not an object, i can afford to fix the bloody thing every 50 miles, too!!)
Audio - Bang and Olufsen
Video - Sony
Games Hardware - Nintendo
Clothing gear - skate wear. nice loose-fitted jeans and a plain tshirt...probably with a band logo on. that's how cool i am.
Shoes - Converse All Stars. never found a comfier shoe...though they can get cold.
MP3 - iPod
Computing - Apple
Nismo said:
Rubbish, it's purely down to marketing.

The iPod has always been very poorly specced against other similar products. Its just that it looks nice and has a 'cool' image, meaning it has market appeal.

Same goes for a lot of Sony stuff.

Ok i admit i used a wrong example, but one can see where i am coming from though.

Sony stuff are really good in it own class, tell me a sony product you think it is rubbish and give an example of something similar or better and at the same/lower price.
You probably will find one but there's just something about sony, once you are hooked you are hooked! :)
ElRazur said:
tell me a sony product you think it is rubbish and give an example of something similar or better and at the same/lower price.

Just about most stuff they produce.

I'm being serious by the way.
ElRazur said:
Ok i admit i used a wrong example, but one can see where i am coming from though.

Sony stuff are really good in it own class, tell me a sony product you think it is rubbish and give an example of something similar or better and at the same/lower price.
You probably will find one but there's just something about sony, once you are hooked you are hooked! :)

it's all a matter of preference. you always seem to get in arguments in your own threads because anyone who contests your opinion is wrong. there's MUCH better quality kit than Sony about. but given the option, i wouldn't put all my money into long as it's good quality...amazing doesnt really bother me. my money would go into audio.

when you think that brands like Sony are the best, it's because you dont know anything about the product you're buying.

Sony's Marketing Department > *
Nismo said:
Just about most stuff they produce.

I'm being serious by the way.
If you just look at the amount of broken or failing PS2s on ebay, that's got to be an indication of something wrong :eek:
Nismo said:
Just about most stuff they produce.

I'm being serious by the way.

Psp, ps2, dvdcamcorder,plasma tv, Vaio computer, sony(erricson)mobile phone.....all rubbish? Come on non give them a credit. Maybe you wont, your signature says it all :)
Haly said:
If you just look at the amount of broken or failing PS2s on ebay, that's got to be an indication of something wrong :eek:

Same story with PSP's.

You can get almost any other equivalent product, by another manufacturer, for the same money or less and I can virtually gurantee it will either be the same or superior specced.
ElRazur said:
Psp, ps2, dvdcamcorder,plasma tv, Vaio computer, sony(erricson)mobile phone.....all rubbish? Come on non give them a credit. Maybe you wont, ** signature says it all :)

Haha, so because I'm advertising the fact I have a 360 it means I'm anti-Sony? Give me a break. I own a PS2 plus 2 Sony TV's.

'dvdcamcorder' and 'plasma tv' are a bit generic are they not? Sony are market leaders in neither area anyway.

PS2's? Down to preference. Same with PSP's, purely becase the market in terms of different products is so small.

VAIO? Can have better laptops for less money.

Mobile phones? Same as above

The point I'm making is while they produce perfectly adequate products, the prices are generally inflated and the quality of them is less than people would believe.
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Transport - Brooklyn Machine Works
Audio - Nakamichi
AV - Loewe/KEF
Gaming - AMD/ATi/Apple
Footwear - Animal for casual, dont GAS beyond that :)
ElRazur said:
Psp, ps2, dvdcamcorder,plasma tv, Vaio computer, sony(erricson)mobile phone.....all rubbish? Come on non give them a credit. Maybe you wont, your signature says it all :)

And yours says it all too, but that's already been discussed hasn't it :p

Matblack said:
B&Os is obviously doing a good job too :p


Hmmm, I've often wondered whether B&O is actually one of the best brands or not. They are marketed as a very high quality product but I guess that's different to whether it actually is. Like I said in my first post, I don't know even about this kind of stuff to really comment.
Nismo said:
Haha, so because I'm advertising the fact I have a 360 it means I'm anti-Sony? Give me a break.

The point I'm making is while they produce perfectyl adequate products, the prices are generally inflated and the quality of them is less than people would believe.

With a company the size of Sony there is a huge variation in quality vs cost across the product ranges, these sweeping statement might be acurate in some peoples experience and not others because they are buying into different parts of the product spectrum (IMHO).

Matblack said:
B&Os is obviously doing a good job too :p


to be honest, if i had all the money in the world, i'd do better research. i use B&O products and they're great quality (compared to what i've had in the past) and they look good (im shallow, so sue me :p). i've never seen an advert - their marketing to me has been word of mouth ;)
Nismo said:
Haha, so because I'm advertising the fact I have a 360 it means I'm anti-Sony? Give me a break.

The point I'm making is while they produce perfectyl adequate products, the prices are generally inflated and the quality of them is less than people would believe.

Sony = Good product (not the best) X Over inflated prices.
Having said that, i still like them. I personally feel people just like to knock sony 'cause it is the cool thing to do i think.
Carzy said:
Hmmm, I've often wondered whether B&O is actually one of the best brands or not. They are marketed as a very high quality product but I guess that's different to whether it actually is. Like I said in my first post, I don't know even about this kind of stuff to really comment.

We had a very interesting discussion about it in Hifi a couple of weeks ago

B&O do spend a lot of development and the sound is 'good' but there were general concerns about the implications of style on function vs a product like Linn who are happy to make a bloody great big square box with minimal thought to style, let alone allowing themselves to be constrained by it, again IMHO.

ElRazur said:
Sony = Good product (not the best) X Over inflated prices.
Having said that, i still like them. I personally feel people just like to knock sony 'cause it is the cool thing to do i think.

I love that reply haha.

See it in the music forum all the time:

"You hate such and such band, just because it's cool to hate, so therefore you don't really know what you are talking about and so you should be quiet"

While it may work that way sometimes, the vast majority of the time (in my experience) it doesn't. Bit of a cop-out argument tbh.
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