Your First Ever Game....

Alex Kidd in Miracle World on the Sega Master System. Damn, good times. I think the game was actually built into the console. :p So when you turned the console on with no game in it, Alex Kidd came on. :p
Alex Kidd in Miracle World on the Sega Master System. Damn, good times. I think the game was actually built into the console. :p So when you turned the console on with no game in it, Alex Kidd came on. :p

Yep it sure was :)

From what I can remember, one of the first games I ever played was a Dizzy game, Prince of the Yolk Folk or something. That egg made me want to cry sometimes :(
first ever game prolly pong on a tv games machine. (poor atari wannabe)

My first truly Great game on c64 however...


in a Hall of Legends its in a class of its own.... you kids missed the greatest...of allllll time.

Wow, brings back memories looking at that pic. I played Elite for ages..

I still remember going crazy with excitement when I bought the docking computer and heard the music play while docking. :D Got to a rating of Deadly..... 1 away from Elite....
centipede Atari 2600(i think) but I may have played on my half bros zx spectrum before that :D

Alex Kidd in Miracle World on the Sega Master System. Damn, good times. I think the game was actually built into the console. :p So when you turned the console on with no game in it, Alex Kidd came on. :p

I had that too! fun times :)
Pitfall on the Atari 2600 I think.

I thought it was amazing....brings back memories. *wipes a tear from the eye*.

Jet Set Willy on the Speccy
SimCity 2000 on the amiga ( had to get a 4Mb ram expansion just to play lol )
Theme Park on a 486 DX/66 with 8mb RAM. Id played this on the Amiga but the PC version was much better
Sonic Is the first game I remember playing a lot on the sega master system when I was around 4, I did play a few games before but can't really remember them. I just remember getting the Master system for christmas and playing Sonic + Alex the Kidd non stop and couldn't wait to visit my uncle as he had a Mega Drive!

Oh how gaming has changed. Hoping the new Sonic will be okay... not amazing but nostalgic.
Sounds like Pitfall?

Mine was probably Space Invaders, on an Atari 2600 with wood effect panels!!!!

Hmmm... no it was older than Pitfall... it didnt have that many colours! It was literally green and black.
edit: might have had Dangerous in the title... or Danger...
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hmmm something like Defender probably on the Atari VCS wooden one circa 1979/80 ?

or wotever came with it but i cannot remember that long ago !
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