Your Most Anticipated PC Game of 2006?

1) Stalker (Now I have upgraded and have a chance of playing it at medium-low settings)
2) Starwars: Empire at war
3) And spore (It is set to release in 06 right? I think anyway)
Is stalker another Half life/doom tpye thing?

I'm hoping on a decent point n click adventure (sam & max 2; where are you?)

I'd love a remake of Tie-Fighter or X-wing. The onyl Star Wars games that i truely like. Has there been new version of this (flight only) that i've just missed?
im thinking stalker, but from their MP beta they had a tournament on a while back, it was just a deathmatch style game in a smallish map. im hoping thats not the case for the MP of the full game as i wanted to sneak up and kill loads of other human players :cool:
OFP: Armed Assault. OFP with nice graphics and good netcode = bloody fantastic. Others I am looking forward to are:
Hitman Blood Money, which I want equally as badly as OFP:AA
HL2: Aftermath
Alan Wake
Elder Scrolls Oblivion (may get it on 360)
SWAT4 Expansion
HL2- Aftermath
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

I may also choose Stalker, although this depends on money status, computer power etc
Meh Stalker will never show up again and same with DNF

HL2 mods + aftermath

QuakeWars looks a total blast sorta BF2 bumps into Halo, that should be fun
Tabula Rosa and Mass Effect.
Mass Effect in particular because I've yet to find a game that Bioware have made that I don't like, should be fantastic :)
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