Your number one Christmas song?

I really can't pick one, as it's really just this entire album that my parents played every single Christmas morning. Because of this, hearing songs in this specific order is tied to all those childhood memories and emotions, so hearing them in any other way feels a bit weird to me. If I *had* to pick one... Meh nah I can't, it's one of the first 10 or so.

Also The Darkness, just because they're brilliant.
Can I have the whole of the Messiah?

No? How about just For unto us...

For carols I'm partial to God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

I think my fav is probably Buble - Christmas ( Baby please come home). Also appreciate Andy Williams - most wonderful time of the year and Bobby Helms - Jingle bell rock.

I absolutely loathe McCartney - wonderful Christmas time.

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Honestly it's amazing how important these same old songs are for setting a British Christmas mood.
I can hear any of them and I'm instantly transported back to a dingy pub in Romford or desperately shopping on Christmas Eve for last minute stuff.
Gonna make sure I play these more this year and overpower the boring Swedish Christmas songs.
This, this and this. This is Christmas for me. But it always reminds me of an interview with her parents who said it's bitter-sweet for them as it reminds them she's no longer around.

Cracking song. One of the real Christmas songs for me.

Another big one from me. For some reason it gets me in the feels.

A couple of older ones which most people probably don't associate with Christmas nowadays but were Christmas number ones. The oldies among us will remember them.

Pretty much all the ones from the 70s and 80s - they were a huge thing in my childhood, and now bring back amazing memories of Christmases past. Can’t really put a finger on one as a favourite though – Wizard and Holder are classics, as is Bing and Bowie’s Little Drummer boy.

I can't really stand the newer songs, they don't feel like they have the heart of the 'originals', like the god-awful Band Aid 20 for example – I could tolerate Proper Cimbo:D
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