Your perception of this community

27 Mar 2004
Between Realities
Loads of complete and utter morons who think its cool to post what they think will be the most hurtful or taboo comment they can think of.

But there are some nice people too.

hardware sections are fine if you can sieve through the fanboyism and pick out the actual facts
27 Mar 2004
Between Realities
Really??? This site is borderline Mormon compared to the other forums I'm on.

Yeah really, loads of serious threads end up with people throwing abuse at the OP when its not needed.

Mention of council properties, JSA, Anything Muslim or Gay. Tattoos! Dog owners get called dirty, cat owners get told their pets should be shot.

You end up with so many ***** on their high horses
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30 Sep 2009
well, for a supposedly 'family friendly' forum (no swearing allowed etc) i do find it remarkable how the mocking of disabled people often happens. 4 times in the handshake thread just today infact. i'm sorry but i don't see how this is allowed because there is no need for it and more to the point, it is simply not funny. anyone who would find this kind of thing funny, i would have no time for in real life.

i have also never known a forum where the topic of circumcision has arisen 3 times in the time i have joined. why?

i would also wager that some of the people on here who give it a bit of the big i am when it comes to discussing women, have only ever been laid by prostitutes.
22 Jul 2004
Up north in Sunderland
My fiancee says I'm addicted to these forums, Maybe she is right.

Lots of interesting things going on all the time and some interesting people to boot.
People mention things at work in the news etc and normally It's already been discussed at length on here.

You have a lot of people willing to help you out with mostly good advice, Yes you get your idiots but you get them every where. I like the fact a lot of people are straight to the point and will pull you on something you thought was correct or the correct way to go about something. It's a wealth of information :)
Man of Honour
28 Nov 2007
well, for a supposedly 'family friendly' forum (no swearing allowed etc) i do find it remarkable how the mocking of disabled people often happens. 4 times in the handshake thread just today infact. i'm sorry but i don't see how this is allowed because there is no need for it and more to the point, it is simply not funny. anyone who would find this kind of thing funny, i would have no time for in real life.

i have also never known a forum where the topic of circumcision has arisen 3 times in the time i have joined. why?

i would also wager that some of the people on here who give it a bit of the big i am when it comes to discussing women, have only ever been laid by prostitutes.

you're a hoot
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
As far as I know I've stepped into a software program and I'm the only real person - or am I?

I thought someone had hacked my account and then noticed my post is exactly a year old.

Anyway, I think this community is superb and no matter what the subject you will always get the answer you need after cutting through the BS.
My only gripe are people who refuse to read the whole thread and comment on something that has actually moved on.
24 Jul 2006
Hoddesdon, London, UK
Mine would probably be that it's pretty condescending and narrow-minded, quite cold and hostile, very competitive/egocentric (everyone is trying to one-up each other). But pretty funny and relatively witty at the best of times, with bouts of warmness on rare occasions.

A little (LITTLE?!) racist too :D But yes, your sum up is pretty much my feeling as well. Scares me to think this is how the general public might be behind closed doors.. but it could be worse i suppose.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
Even though there are a few idiots, they are easy to ignore and overall this is probably the best UK based forum, period.
14 Dec 2005
Even though there are a few idiots, they are easy to ignore and overall this is probably the best UK based forum, period.

pretty much guaranteed there'll be someone on here that'll have an answer to any question
bit harder determining who actually knows what they're talking about tho :p
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