Your perception of this community

1 Dec 2003
West Lothian, Scotland
If anyone posts something that goes against the grain (conspiracy theory, extreme right or left wing views) then they are almost instantly met with hostility. There are lots of "bandwagon jumpers" who will see someone on the receiving end of such hostility, and they will join in for the fun of it, it's almost like watching a kid getting bullied at school.

I disagree to an extent. If people present an alternative viewpoint in the correct way then a bit of good debate can arise. However the people who attract consistent criticism do so because they post in a consistently annoying way.
24 Jun 2008
As long as i avoid GD (and occasionally speakers corner) i find the forums great :)
Although the monthly LOLAPPLE threads are getting a bit lame :p
9 Apr 2004
Nr. brumijum
I feel that the forum's changed a little over the last year. The open racism has definitely died down somewhat. I think we're a bit bare on likeable characters atm (sure you still have lol'x' posts often, but actual likeable characters). And, imo, I know it's not a popular thing to suggest, but I'd say there's been a shift in trend towards the right, which seems to have happened in tandem with a dumbing down of logic and objective arguments. However, it's not too bad, and I prefer it to the racism. Also, it's always good for a laugh!.

The moderation's improved too imo, it got to a point where the mods were being a little overzealous, large fun members being nuked for little reason, petty suspensions for language/bickering etc. Seems to have improved quite a lot.

I've only attended 3 or 4 meets, but it does feel like the community aspect is still recovering from 3-4 years ago. Either way it's on the up :).
15 Dec 2007
If anyone posts something that goes against the grain (conspiracy theory, extreme right or left wing views) then they are almost instantly met with hostility. There are lots of "bandwagon jumpers" who will see someone on the receiving end of such hostility, and they will join in for the fun of it, it's almost like watching a kid getting bullied at school.

Mostly because said views are often absolutely absurd :p
13 Nov 2006
By and large it is full of idiots but there are a few genuinely decent posters on here.

Regarding GD, it does get a bit boring with the pro-labour, anti-government threads written by a select few who claim you're a Tory if you disagree with their illogical view points.

Some people in motors must be taking some substances because there have been some rather odd threads in there lately.

The racism or racist views held by some posters have always been here and they always will be.

The forum as a whole has never been known for its amazing moderation and probably never will be.
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15 May 2010
Out of Coventry
Not so much right wing, as anti-left. Lots of good debate, and quite a lot of bad ones as well.
Would improve a lot more if people would read posts fully, and try and see things from the other persons view point. So often I am in disbelief when the same paragraphs are still being quoted and misunderstood in the same way 20+ posts later.

Overall though, I like it here :)
13 Nov 2006
Which forums are?

I don't really want to go into it else I will get suspended again.

It's always amusing that both extremes always accuse he other of being the majority on the forum.

How does "a select few" imply a majority? How can you accuse me of being in the extreme when I have not actually stated where I stand?

A very strong anti-Scottish feeling pervades these boards.

I'd like to think it's said in jest but I fear it isn't.
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27 Jul 2004
I think perception of this community isnt easy as there are areas that some people only browse and opposite places some never go to. It really depends on which clique you feel a part of so i mostly just end up reading rather than posting.
Motors, can be some interesting stuff but i mostly like the pictures, dont post often as i dont know much about cars and people would just rip on my car if i put up a picture :)
GD, dont have time to keep up with the in jokes and petty arguements, mostly just look at the pictures and gifs with the occasional science/space topic.
PC Games, i look at pc gaming from a competitive standpoint so even if im trying to help i come across as elitist to the majority there and get nowhere fast.

So yeah, How i perceive this community, pretty shallow with hints of knowledge and selflessness that surface occasionally and generally about 2 months behind the rest of the internet :) has its moments though which is enough for me to come back to check up on interesting things most days.
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