I'm pretty much the same as the OP. I definitely feel like I lean to the right these days, whatever that means as it depends on the subject matter. My political compass results and whodoisidewith put me left of center though. Despite my reservations with Labour that's who I voted for as I wanted my vote to be most in line with my views, even with my concerns.
Oh really? All I hear is "Evil Tories", "Nasty Party", "Elite poor hating Tory scum". It's evenly balanced in the media on the portrayal front.
This is mostly because the right wing media that dominates the UK does its best to make anyway one is actually center left, which is a fairly large majority, sound like some communist traitor. Just look at the words used in the OP to describe Labour along with the usual "communist regimes killed millions, if you ignore the millions killed by capitalist regimes, then the the left are murdering sociopaths, ergo voting labour will lead to millions of deaths!!!!". This is classic strong right propaganda at work.
Which capitalist regimes have commited genocide on their own people? or are you including casualties of war to make the lefts pattern of purging all dissidents look reasonable?
You hear that from the mainstream media? I seriously doubt it!
I hear it from the "social" media sources that have a clear and focused agenda to push socialism to the extreme.
Exactly the reason I deleted my FB and Twitter accounts 2 months ago. I was SICK of being bombarded with seeing ****ing political memes.