People on other forums have asked me whats the point in these threads. Well they allow people to see what others are using and whats popular. If your using Quicktime for video and everyone else is using VLC you might be missing something. It's a good way of knowing the alternatives.
OS OSX Tiger
Music iTunes
Video VLC
Burning Burn
Word Processor Word
Torrent Client Transmission
Image Viewer Preview
Image Editor Pixelmator
Web Browsing Camino
Archiver WinRAR
IM Client Adium
Photo Organizer iPhoto
Add and take to the list as you see fit.
OS OSX Tiger
Music iTunes
Video VLC
Burning Burn
Word Processor Word
Torrent Client Transmission
Image Viewer Preview
Image Editor Pixelmator
Web Browsing Camino
Archiver WinRAR
IM Client Adium
Photo Organizer iPhoto
Add and take to the list as you see fit.
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