Your random pictures..

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That picture with the dog being constricted, and eaten by the snake is both sickening and saddening. :(

I think I'm quite sensitive to things like that.
Just nature taking it's course...
Snakes gotta eat too you know.

Did you not watch that program on TV a while back that showed you the goings on in the abattoir where the killed the animal, hung it up, cut it up and then cooked it for you to eat in the restaurant there and then.
Entirely believable....

There is a video of a snake "sicking up" a baby hippo FFS.

If it's "tormented enough" it will do this so it can defend itself... or run away. :D
Entirely believable....

There is a video of a snake "sicking up" a baby hippo FFS.

If it's "tormented enough" it will do this so it can defend itself... or run away. :D

even worse there is a video of a snake killing a horse/pony and then eating it. worse thing i have ever seen tbh scared me for ages, sounds stupid but the thought of seeing that is just horrible. the horse was ******* it self and everything and these people just talking about it.

i did post it in youtube thread, try youtube and search for snake horse or snake pony and you might find it
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