Your random pictures..

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Yeah bit too far maybe, hopefully not seen as offensive in this context. :p

Nah I'm not sure if it was from 4chan, friend linked it me. I bet it was though. :p
I don't find it offensive myself, but I doubt the PC crowd will see it the same way. :p ;) I only asked I've seen it on another site (similar to 4chan) before. And on that bombshell, I've run out of Russian pics (for now at least).

EDIT: Found one last one to post before I sleep:
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The story to go along with this one is aparrently some Russian guy was showing off doing a wheelie, he didn't see some barrels of paint for road markings ahead and promptly crashed into them spraying the paint everywhere. - Crashed bike - LOL the look on his face

sorry for the links but it's late and I can't be bothered to re-host them :p
They make me feel really ill, and im not squirmish at all

Just those fingers and now the nipple

Aint right that ****
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