Your random pictures..

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Hmm 7 was good too, I just thought FFVIII was more atmospheric. You really felt the change of mood when Garden started to fly and after you gain Ragnorok (sp).

IX I couldn't get into and X, X2 with the sphere grid was just dire.

Jees, you're right, It was VIII after all (so many sequels I lost count of which one I had played, and I only played the one)

I never did finish it though. once I could fly where I wanted to I somehow got lost and couldn't find where to go next, then I gave up.

Spooky us talking about FFVIII.
I was searching google for these. :D



but fell across this too..

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isnt that tokyo?

they have somehting like that in japan i think

Not in Tokyo. Place beings with a K if I remeber rightly. Remember seeing this in Focus mag.

Think there is another one next to it or ajoined to that one where they have a winter type holiday area.

Wouldn't you just. . . . . . . . . . . . .


Did you even have to ask. :)
Lego is just awesome, I really have a craving to buy myself a load of Lego off the bay but at the age 29 I fear I'll be ridiculed, I want to play :(.

Nah, this is what happens when a 30 and a 27 year old don't have kids:




Sorry, they have been posted loads of times but theres always someone new who hasn't seen them. :D
Driving along (ne me, my mate), some guy decides he'll try and get out of the a junction onto this road infront of us, even though there's no gap on this side of the road and the other side has oncoming traffic. Holds up traffic then bullies his way in...

Was very surprised when his reg plate summed him up quite well...

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