Your random pictures..

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Ive played all the major Final Fantasys and the only one I actually liked to finish was X and X-2 others I just got bored and stopped playing :P
The cactuars appeared way early in the series guys! Although it was Final Fantasy VIII that made them really famous and popular.


How can you resist that face eh?
i don't find it funny at all, the use of the word implies that they are prone to, in this case 'stealing' "***** stole my broadband" and ***** stole my bike"

for petes sake, how can they continue under the banner of 'family' forum if racism en masse is allowed to continue? dildos arent ok but racism is? wow.

i just think you can't claim one thing and do the opposite.
think i'll be staying out of the random picture thread from now on, its rapidly turning into a pit for perverts, racists and the socially inept

Seems like a leap to me. The point is most modern person who sees that advert would think it was from a far more archaic age and probably be amazed that it was ever published.
Seems like a leap to me. The point is most modern person who sees that advert would think it was from a far more archaic age and probably be amazed that it was ever published.

racism should not be tolerated at all, especially not in a family forum, where we acknowledge that young and impressionable children can see it
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