Your random pictures..

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From my last day trip to Basra.

Someone please add the caption of "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" just by the airplane :p
Well, seen as we are all doing "From 'this' to 'this'" photos, here's mine :p

14th Oct 2007

+ Beer and Laughs :D
15th Oct 2007

p.s. Hair Change, not Sex change just to clarify :p heheh

I think you should have kept the hair, personally... right now you wouldn't look out of place in American History X :eek::p
She's a mate, who I'm trying my hardest to get with, but not going well seen as I'm moving away from her, and all my other mates in 1 weeks time, bit gutted to be honest lol.

And the hair, well, I wanted a haircut, so it started out just shaving it down to about a #4 back & sides, then we just kept going for a laugh. Ended up using a Braun Electric Shaver, was all a good laugh for everyone, even though I look like a complete thug lol. Should stop me getting any hassle on my estate though I hope heh.
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