Your Top 10 PC Games?

Of all time?

I'd have to have a real think. These are games that had a lasting impact on me personally. There's probably a huge list of honorable mentions but we'd be here all day, as would we all I'd imagine

1. Witcher 3
2. Half Life
3. MoH Allied Assault
4. Descent (1995)
5. Tomb Raider (1996)
6. F.E.A.R
7. Deus Ex
8. Resident Evil 2 (1998)
9. Dragon Age 3: The Inquisition
10. Unreal Tournament (1999)

5 Honourable mentions

1. Battlefield 1 (2016)
2. Mass Effect 2
3. Return to Castle Wolfenstein
4. Company Of heroes
5. Kill Crush & Destroy 2 (KKND2 1998)
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10 games i enjoyed are:

Half-Life Series
Portal Series
Pillars of Eternity
Shadowrun: Dragonfall
Alien: Isolation
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Tomb Raider (2013)
Ori and the Blind Forrest
Hollow Knight
Mass Effect Series
In no order and also I will probably change my mind in the next 5 minutes....

Frontier: Elite II
Sim City 4
Silent Surface
Tomb Raider (2013)
Left for Dead (and 2)
Tropico series
Mass Effect series
Empire Total War
Gunship 2000 (or defender of the relm... see!!! changed already)

Impressive self control going on, looks like it took till post #15 before the "honourable mention" floodgates opened, it is usually much sooner than that in these list threads :)

1. Stalker
2. MoHAA
3. Ultima Online 2000-2002
4. Men of War
5. Europa Universalis III
6. Portal 2
7. Final Fantasy 8
8. Pro Evolution Soccer 3
9. Dark Souls
10. Skyrim
1. Return to Castle Wolfenstein
2. Baulders Gate
3. Eye of the Beholder
4. Elite (Frontier)
5. Dirty Bomb
6. NHL 2003
7. Age of Conan
8. PubG
9. Quake
10. The Secret World
I tried to limit this to 10 but failed:

Half Life 2
Doom 1&2
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe
Money Island 1&2
Full Throttle
NFS High Stakes
Team Fortress 2
CS Source
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Battlefield 4
Hitman Absolution

Some oldies there, but I started young ;-)
01. Medal of Honor Allied Assault
02. Half-Life 2
03. Grand Theft Auto Vice City
04. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
05. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
06. Fallout 3
07. Call of Duty
08. F.E.A.R.
09. Far Cry
10. Mafia
Impressive self control going on, looks like it took till post #15 before the "honourable mention" floodgates opened, it is usually much sooner than that in these list threads :)

Impressive self control going on, looks like it took till post #15 before the "honourable mention" floodgates opened, it is usually much sooner than that in these list threads :)

I nearly gave way to adding more (tempted to add in the expansions to the first F.E.A.R. game). :D
1. Medal of Honor Allied Assault
2. Battlefield Bad Company 2
4. Company of Heroes (plus all expansions)
5. Total War: Warhammer 2
6. Call of Duty 4
7. UT99
8. Operation Flashpoint
9. Half Life 1
10. Age of Empires II

Interesting how many people are putting MOHAA pretty damned high up the list. Still gutted they stopped the MP for that game :( MOHAA Freezetag was just pure genius.
1. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault: Spearhead
2. Half-Life 1/2
3. Far Cry (1, of course)
4. Morrowind
5. Witcher 3
6. CS:S (surfing)
7. Age of Empires II
8. Bioshock
9. GTA SA + MP mod
10. Not sure on a last one, probably L4D2 based on how much I still play it

The games remain the same, but the order probably changes every time I post it.

Witcher 3 is objectively the best game ever made, but the memories of the othes surpass it I guess. Being in a clan on MOHAA and Far Cry were part of the very best times I've had in gaming, for example.

1. Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines (+5 nostalgia factor)
2. Planescape Torment (+8 nostalgia factor)
3. Witcher 3
4. Deus Ex (+ 5 nostalgia factor)
5. Morrowind (+10 nostalgia factor)
6. Dark Souls
7. GTA 5
8. Silent Hunter 3 (+9 nostalgia factor)
9. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
10. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (+15 nostalgia factor)

Honourable mentions

Skyrim, Baldurs gate 2, Divinity OS, Dishonored, Day of the Tentacle, Mass Effect 2, KOTOR, Bioshock, DA:origins


1. Chivalry
2. Bf2142
3. HL mods
4. Jedi Academy
In no specific order:
  • Space Engineers
  • Deus Ex
  • Counterstrike (1.5 -> Counterstrike: Source)
  • Payday 2
  • BF2142
  • Medal of Honour: Allied assault
  • Call of Duty: United Offensive
  • Call of Duty MW2
  • Freelancer
  • Borderlands 2
1. Lord of the Rings Online
2. Tibia
3. Grand Theft Auto Vice City
4. Stardew Valley
5. Age of Empires I
6. Command and Conquer Red Alert
7. Elder Scrolls Oblivion
8. CoD Black Ops
9. Subnautica
10. PUBG

Not particularly in any order apart from the first 2. LOTRO gave me some of the best gaming experiences I've had, had so much fun playing over the years that I did. Tibia is a game I still go back to now and again 14 years after I first started playing.
1. Mafia 1
2. Ultima Online
3. Half Life DM/TFC
4. Diablo 1
5. Microprose Grand Prix
6. Freelancer Wing Commander
7. Supcom: Forged Alliance Total Annihilation
8. Age of Empires 2
9. Subnautica ARK: Survival Evolved
10. Dying Light

Big mentions for the Mass Effect, Ass Creed, Witcher and Dead Rising Trilogies in addition to Obliboiboin and Skyrim. The first 5 games on that list I spent YEARS playing when all those games were in their prime. Nothing can touch Mafia imo - it was a work of art.

I'm too lazy to write the whole list from scratch ;)
Borderlands 2
Gothic 2
Dungeon Master
GT Legends
Borderlands 1
Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines
Deus Ex
Dying Light
MS Flight Sim (from 98 to X)
Farming Simulator (2011-2015)
Witcher 3
Operation Flashpoint
Far Cry
Elite Dangerous
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Picking a top ten is very difficult when there are so many great pc games.

1. Medal of honor allied assalt.
2. Starcraft 1 & 2
3. Mafia 1 & 2
4. Skyrim
6. command and conquer
7. Warcraft 1
8. Mirror edge
9. Stalker soc
10. Farcry 3

Some others which I've loved over the.years, age of mythology, emporer battle for dune, gta 3, need for speed high stakes, half life, settlers 2.
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