Your Top 10 PC Games?

No particular order:
Quake 1 and 2
Wolfenstein 3d
WOW up to LK
The 4th Coming
APB reloaded
In no particular order

GTA Vice City
Football Manager 2012
Far Cry 3
Lone Echo (does VR count?)
Duke Nukem 3D
Battlefield Vietnam
Battlefield 2
Battlefield Bad Company 2
In no order, just stand out games from all time playing on the PC:

Half Life 2
Hitman Contracts / Blood Money
Unreal Tournament 2004
NFS Porsche 2000
TOCA Race Driver
Project Cars 1 & 2
Sim City 2000 / 4
I am putting this into game hours played as these were the games that took over my life.

CM 01/02
CM 03/04
C&C Red Alert
Syndicate Wars
Starcraft 2
Sensible World of Soccer
Arma 2 Dayz Mod
Stardew Valley
1. Age of Empires II
2. WoW (Vanilla and Burning Crusade only)
3. Final Fantasy VIII**
4. Final Fantasy VII
5. The Sims 3
6. The Sims (original)
7. Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
8. Poker Night 2
9. Warblade
10. Worms World Party

** Most people preferred Final Fantasy VII over VIII because it had the better storyline, but I preferred VIII because the magic/junction system allowed you to play in numerous different styles. It had more replay value. I.e. I was able to keep my characters under level 10 and they all had 9999 health :D
** Most people preferred Final Fantasy VII over VIII because it had the better storyline, but I preferred VIII because the magic/junction system allowed you to play in numerous different styles. It had more replay value. I.e. I was able to keep my characters under level 10 and they all had 9999 health :D

Hello friend! I am with you 100%

6, 7 and 9 are all IMO better games, but I prefer 8 too :p

Siren --> Life Refine --> Curaga on HP, standard tbh. You can also get Lionheart on disk 1... the game is quite broken :p
No order but

Red Alert
Wow Vanilla
Legend of Mir 2
Half Life 2
Doom 2
Dawn of War
Battlefield 2
Championship Manager 98/99
Diablo 2
1. World Of Warcraft
2. Dragon Age Series
3. Mass Effect Series
4. Command And Conquer Generals
5. Starcraft II
6. Delta Force 2
7. Battlefield Bad Company 2
8. Fortnite
9. MGS Phantom Pain
10. Ragnarok Online

I really would like to include diablo 3 as a Honorable mention though as iv'e sank so many hours into that and still play it on my PS4 to get a different experience.
Mine would be in no particular order.

Witcher 3
Xcom enemy unknown
Baldurs gate 1 and 2
Medieval total war
Operation flashpoint
Battlefield 2
Counter strike source
Civ 2
Deus Ex
Half-Life 2
Links Golf 2001
Hidden and Dangerous
Black and White :p
Command and Conquer
Defense Grid
It's not often you see someone including Q4 in a favourite games list, though I also remember enjoying it quite a lot. :)
It's one of those forgotten PC games, I'm probably the only person to mention Vietcong too. Dark Messiah of Might and Magic nearly made the list (based on the HL:2 source engine, fantastic :)
1) Grand Prix Legends
2) Grand Prix Legends '55 mod
3) Grand Prix Legends '66 mod
4) Grand Prix Legends '69 mod
5) Grand Prix Legends '67 Sports Cars mod
6) Grand Prix Legends '65 mod
7) Grand Prix Legends Can Am '71 mod
8) Grand Prix Legends '67 F2 mod
9) Grand Prix Legends Can Am '66 mod
10) Starfleet Command II: Orion Pirates
Showing my age here but these are my top ~ten games (based on how much I played them I guess):

Unreal Tournament 2004
Wing Commander I & II
Quake II
Warcraft I & II
Call of Duty I & II
Sim City
The oldies are still goodies :)

In no particular order:

  • Settlers (original)
  • System Shock 2
  • Deus Ex
  • UFO: Enemy Unknown (MicroProse/Gollop)
  • Sid Meier's Alpha Centuari
  • EverQuest circa 2000-2001
  • Dwarf Fortress
  • Baldur's Gate 1

I'm struggling to think of a 10th...

There are of course many games I've played and enjoyed that aren't on this list. C&C, Quake, etc...

e: Hmm, for 10th spot:

  • One of the Jedi Knight games

I didn't have any FPS on there and I had masses of fun with the Jedi Knight games :p
Last edited:
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution
  • Planescape: Torment
  • Mass Effect Series
  • Freespace 2
  • Freelancer
  • Knights of the Old Republic Series
  • World of Warcraft
  • Everquest
  • Master of Orion 2
  • Dragon Age: Origins
Deus ex
Kingpin Life Of Crime
Grand Prix Legends
Operation Flashpoint
Assetto Corsa
Return To Castle Wolfenstein
Day Of Defeat
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