Your top 5 apps?

Firefox - extensions, page rendering, profile portability between PCs
Textpad - Decent text editor with auto colour coding and multi doc handling
Putty - SSH client with awesome key management/portable settings - plus tiny.
Media Player Classic - Simple non-bloated media player for video
Azureus - Gets me what I want, stable, configurable.


Winamp - Well rounded and developed, supports plugins/skins from all over, excellent media library and now supports MP3 players so no need for iTunes/Creative crap.
Firefox - The best browser on the Mac, extensions etc
iTunes - Music!!1!!!!
VLC - Ace media player, superior to Quicktime in respect that it plays back things using less resources
iSquint - Allows me to watch South Park on my iPod!
TextEdit - Good for notes and plotting down ideas
Quicksilver - awesome app, that plugs into just about everything
Adium - tried all the app IM clients, but always go back to this one
Textmate - text editor that does everything I want it to!
Pixelmator - cheaper version of photoshop that does everything I ever do in photoshop
VLC - plays any video I've ever thrown at it - what more can you want?!
So of the five there three are not free for you, and yet you only point out one as having been purchased. ;)

I see what you did there. :p

Speaking of Textmate, does anybody know of any good free (prefer as in freedom, will accept as in beer) GUI text editors? I tend to use vi or pico but having a GUI tool is frequently handy.

Apart from TextMate I can't think of any. ??
Is firefox considered the best browser then? I've been using camino, because a bloke i work with said it was the best.
Safari 3 is the fastest browser if you're using Leopard :)

Firefox is considered the best because of the extensions.
Is firefox considered the best browser then? I've been using camino, because a bloke i work with said it was the best.

IMHO it is having come from using it on Windows it was only natural, Camino is good though feels very lightweight and fast.
Is firefox considered the best browser then? I've been using camino, because a bloke i work with said it was the best.

If I tell you to give me all your money, would you? :)

It's a good browser, some disagree and stick with IE, Opera, Flock... blah. Basically, whatever is best/easiest for you is best. Personally, I've been using it since beta and I've had no qualms with it's performance or stability. Keeps getting better IMO.
Do you want me to tell you what to use? Or do you want to find out which one suits you better by downloading and trying them yourself?
If someone writes an OCUK drop-down menu for Safari I will switch over. It's the only Firefox extension that I find invaluable. I realise this makes me very sad.

If someone writes an OCUK drop-down menu for Safari I will switch over. It's the only Firefox extension that I find invaluable. I realise this makes me very sad.


I gave up using that ages ago, scrolling to the bottom/top and whacking the forum names is quicker for me.
Apart from TextMate I can't think of any. ??

Subethaedit and Skedit are 2 more

If someone writes an OCUK drop-down menu for Safari I will switch over. It's the only Firefox extension that I find invaluable. I realise this makes me very sad.


you could use quicksilver with the bookmarks tab, then it wouldn't matter what browser you were using as long as you have your bookmarks in it (also, consider using with the social bookmarks plugin to make it EVEN easier)
When working I mostly find myself running:

Smaart V6
ProTools LE
Logic 8 - Main Stage

And for general purpose stuff I find its:

Pages :)
Safari - Fast, good looking, great find system, plus web inspector, inquisitor, and .Mac integration make it my favourite browser.

skEdit - HTML and CSS coding with tabs, syntax highlighting, code completion, best one I've tried.

Cyberduck - free FTP which does everything I need.

TV Shows/Transmission - together they automatically download the TV shows I watch without any input. Err legal ones....

Handbrake - free and does everything I need.

Awaken - turns by iMac into a very expensive alarm clock.
I gave up using that ages ago, scrolling to the bottom/top and whacking the forum names is quicker for me.

but with the menu you don't have to scroll. it's always there. Much quicker for me and you don't have to scroll within the menu because it's all there.

Photoshop CS3
Parallels Desktop {[(for WinXP) for Newsleecher] for Giganews}

These Brackets get addictive... {[( :p )]}
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