Your top 5 films

26 Nov 2006
guildford, surrey
What are your top 5 films ever? Leave a comment about them aswell.

In my relativly short life(15), these films just amaze me every time i watch them:

In no order at all!

Black Hawk Down (2001) - Imo the best war film ive seen, good action, but very sad at the end aswell, really captures the hell the quite small group of soliders had to go through (like when they have to operate on that guys leg :( )

Scarface (1983) - Great film, so gripping. Al pacino is amazing, i couldnt imagine anyone else playing montana, Good soundtrack (push it to the limit is such a cool song :p), good story and just so well made. Shows you that having money and power doesnt raelly make you happy, it just kills you... :p

Terminator (1984) - Fantastic sci-fi action film, I generally dont like arnold schwarzenegger in most films, i find his acting poor and emotionless, but thats why he is so good for the role of the terminator! Some cool action scenes which were supberb for an 1984 film, and still entertaining today, good supporting acting from Michael Biehn and Linda hamilton whoes relationship onscreen is very good. Overall amazing.

Terminator 2 (1991) - More action film than sci fi, but one of te greatest of all time. The Action is breathtaking, the effects and CGI even for 1991 are good, full of so many memorable scenes, each action scene builds up to the next one, i dont think there was a moment in this film where i didnt like it, and the end of the film is very sad...

Cidade de Deus AKA City of God (2002) - Powerful film about life in the Violent Rio Slums, its powerful, shocking, funny, sad in all different parts of the film, there are 10 year olds going around with guns and smoking/snorting drugs for christs sake!, Based on a true story, all the actors were from the area and it was all so real, highly reccomend watching this.

So theres mine, i could go on for a while, but there probably my favourite, so whats yours?
ooh that's a hard one...

- Pulp Fiction - just a pure classic film, multiple stories at once, you will all agree it is excellent.
- Die Hard - It always puts me in the xmas spirit
- Old Boy - quality film, pretty gory
- Apocalypse Now - awk you've all seen it, you know why it's good
- Dirty Harry - it's clint eastwood, need i say anymore?

so many more i want to include lol

if you havn't noticed all the films include a slightly mad main character if you know what i mean.
Shawshank redemption - it's everything prison break tried to be but a whole lot better

Fire Down Below - cos you gotta get some Seagal action...

One of the terminator films has to be in there, T2 i think, but it's been a while wince ive seen them

ditto for the die hard films, die hard 1 or 2.

and, of course, Back to the future... all of em! M J Fox is a legend!
Shawshank redemption - it's everything prison break tried to be but a whole lot better

Fire Down Below - cos you gotta get some Seagal action...

One of the terminator films has to be in there, T2 i think, but it's been a while wince ive seen them

ditto for the die hard films, die hard 1 or 2.

and, of course, Back to the future... all of em! M J Fox is a legend!

Edit: sorry for double post :eek:
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AndyS_UK said:
Shawshank redemption - it's everything prison break tried to be but a whole lot better

Prison Break is nothing like Shawshank Redemption


V for Vendetta
American History X

Damn this is hard...Beauty and the Beast??? (dont laugh :D )

Dont think my list could be squeezed down to 5 really as theres some more i would like to include
My top 5

American Pie - all of them (They are the funniest films ever imo)
Bad boys (Another funny film and good story great action)
Armageddon (A great SCI-FI flick cant get bored watching it)
Beverly hills cop (A great series of movies)
The 40yr old virgin (A great laugh)
die hard 2
the notebook
finding nemo

they change a lot but these are summit i can just put on anytime and watch realy
Very hard question and in no order

The Empire Strikes Back
Blade Runner
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Conan the Barbarian
The Good the Bad and the Ugly.

Honourable mentions to

The Terminator
Once Upon A Time In the West
Dirty Harry
The Crow
The Matrix

theres a whole lot more i could mention ...
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Saving Private Ryan - Quite emotional.
Independence Day - Watched it so many times and still don't get bored of it.
The Bourne Identity/Supremacy - Great films. Can't wait for the new one.
Windtalkers - Another great film.
Can't think of a 5th one, too many to choose from.
dead mans shoes
die hard
pulp fiction
lion king

this changes everytime one of these thread is made :o

all films i could watch again and again but theres allot more than 5 id liked to of listed :(
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