Your top 5 films

Wardie said:
American Beauty
Donnie Darko
Meet Joe Black
The Butterfly Effect
The Mexican

have you watched vanilla sky??

might be worth a watch considering some of the films on your list (for some wierd reason i associate it with the butterfly effect/donnie darko, so take my advice with a pinch of salt :D )

suppose its entirely dependant on you liking tom cruise but you have top gun on your list so should be ok. also the ending of the film is a bit of a cop out, never fails to make me cry though

at one point it was my favourite film as was the butterfly effect, it just doesnt appeal to me as much anymore
too many films but my top 5 are probably..

1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Resevoir Dogs
3. Apocolypse Now
4. Goodfellas
5. Terminator 1 / 2

but theres so many that have to be up there aswell

platoon, s p ryan, black hawk down
fight club
taxi driver
pulp fiction
rocky 1-3
Usual Suspects
Dirty Harry (all of them. Consistantly good films in a series which is not a common thing)
Die Hard - Excellent film and easily the best of the bunch
+ lots more
Saving Private Ryan
Raiders of the Lost Ark

Marathon Man
V for Vendetta
Terminator 2
Enter the Dragon
Batman (Tim Burton)
Road to Pedition
Gross Point Blanc
American Beauty
The Shining
Taxi Driver
LA Confidential
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in no particular order:

lord of the rings the two towers
city of god
lords of dog town
ice age
die hard 4

ah crap i want a sixth: ace ventura pet detective/monty python and the holy grail/shaun of the dead
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bringerofdecay said:
in no particular order:

lord of the rings the two towers
city of god
lords of dog town
ice age
die hard 4

ah crap i want a sixth: ace ventura pet detective/monty python and the holy grail/shaun of the dead

nice, someone else with CoG on their list.
Shawkshank Redemption
The Butterfly Effect
Terminator 1/2
Back to the Future 1/2/3

but others which deserve a mention, so hard to choose just 5...

A Beautiful Mind
The Truman Show
The Godfather
Cast Away
The Usual Suspects
Predator others I cant remember.
1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Pulp Fiction
3. Goodfellas
4. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
5. Scarface

I hate having to choose so heres a few others I love that didn't quite make it:

Training Day
Lucky Number Slevin
The Matrix
Reservoir Dogs
The Departed
The Green Mile
The Untouchables
Fight Club
The Usual Suspects
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Saving Private Ryan - Great film and broke the old formula for war films.

Alien - Greatest Horror Sci-fi ever made. HR Giger concepts are frightning, plus Sigourney Weaver in those knickers :eek:

Raiders of The Lost Ark - Just great action film.

Star Wars - Best film ever made with a U rating :D

Where Eagles Dare - Great WWII fun.
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