Your top 5 films

-Nick- said:
can we make it like a top 20 fav films thread lol

Even a top 20 isn't enough :(

tomanders91 said:
-Nick- said:
Apocalypse Now
Pigeon_Killer said:
Blade Runner
Tim said:
Saving Private Ryan
Shawshank Redemption
American History X
Reeve said:
1337z0r said:
The 40yr old virgin
Castor said:
melchy said:
Conan the Barbarian
andy said:
dead mans shoes


28 Days Later
Old School
Shaun Of The Dead
Dumb And Dumber
There's Something About Mary
The GodFather
Taxi Driver
Groundhog Day
Cinderella Man
Along Came Polly
Napoleon Dynamite

and theres tons more movies i could watch over and over again.
Pulp Fiction
Star Wars
Fight Club
Transformers - most likely only because I am still totally in awe.
Apocalypse Now
The good the bad and the ugly
Taxi driver
Silence of the lambs
The Godfather
Once upon a time in the west
Shawshank redemption
Reservoir dogs
The deer hunter

And the ninth gate
a rarely unheard of johnny depp film which im throwing in
because i want everyone to see it.

All the above stay with me my idea of what makes a good film
imprinted on ones soul so to speak.
Nine i know but these are what i would consider as the true modern greats.
Many challengers like pulp fiction for example but they are flawed
films i have issues with such as the pulp fiction briefcase and
not knowing what's in it and goodfellas is great but ray liotta is a bit wooden and annoys me
thought it was bad casting.
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In no particular order, and there are others I could list but these are the five that had the most profound effect on me first time around for one reason or another:

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
Monty Python And The Holy Grail
American History X
Mulholand Drive
Gawd, these are always tricky...

The Empire Strikes back: Grew up with Star Wars and this is by far the best one. AT-AT's for *** win, etc.

Pulp Fiction: This was my first Tarantino experience and it just blew me away. Brilliant performances, music, dialogue....everything. I can't fault it.

Alien: My older brother let me watch it when I was 8. I didn't sleep for a week. Scariest film ever.

The Truman Show: Just a really "watchable" movie. Love the music and love the ending.

Fight Club: Brutally hilarious and nothing else quite like it. One of those films that works on so many levels, mannnnn :)

But straight away I can think of another 20 that could be there. Curse you! :(
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All down to personal choice, but my 5 would be, in no particular order-:

Aliens - Great action movie, blast-fest from beginning to end and sory which had me guessing right up to the end.

Spartacus with Kirk Douglas - brilliant film. Great acting and moving, touching story.

Rocky III - Rocky is a very endearing character and this film really had me rooting for him and wanting me to see him beat Mr. T.

The Good The Bsd And The Ugly - graet music, great film.

Star Wars - Revenge of The Sith. Action from beginning to end coupled with a great story which brought everything nicely together.
In no particular order:

The Crow,
Back to the Future 2,
This Is Spinal Tap,
Blade Runner.
Off the top of my head:

The Matrix
Spinal Tap
Stranger Than Fiction
Napoleon Dynamite
The Rock

They're just a random selection out of the big pool of my favourite films.

Others are:

Rush Hour 1 & 2
The Increadibles
Batman Begins
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (LOL)
Casino Royale
Terminator 1 & 2
The School Of Rock
Die Hard
Die Hard With A Vengeance

There are definitely more.. Can't think of them though. :o
ok saying everyone is adding more....

Pulp Fiction
Sin City
Apocalypse Now
Infernal Affairs
Full Time Killer
Team America
Napoleon Dynamite
Reservoir Dogs
The Dirty Harry Collection
Old Boy
Kill Bill
Princess Mononoke
Batman Begins
Kung Fu Hustle
Die Hard Trilogy
Battle Royale
Spirited Away
Alien (1st is best)
Pirates of Caribbean
Taxi Driver
Lord of the Ring Trilogy
Matrix Trilogy
Bourne Identity
Shaun of the Dead
Dawn of the Dead
Wayne"s World
The Shawshank Redemption
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Blues Brothers
The Shining
Hot Fuzz
Night of the Living Dead
Spinal Tap
Office Space
Hard Boiled
Street Fighter
Man on Fire
The Spagetti Westerns
Belleville Rendez-vous
Me, Myself and Irene
Porko Rosso
American Werewolf in London

loads more like, yous get the idea lol
My top 5 in no order.

Pulp Fiction
Die Hard 1
Empire Strikes Back
GodFather 1 n 2
American History X
The Butterfly Effect 1
Old Boy
Battle Royale
Catch Me If You Can
Lock Stock
South Park
Team America
Sin City
Mission Impossible
The Naked Gun
Hotshots 1 n deux
Fifth Element
Lord of the Rings 1 and 3
Pan's Labyrinth
Life is Beautiful
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Finding Nemo
Monty Python Holy Grail/Life of Brian
Freddy Got Fingered
The Passion of the Jew

I'm sure I've forgotten a couple...
Seeing as everyone has exhaustive lists, I'll stick with just one: The Beast (sometimes known as 'The Beast of War') - a decent depiction of the Soviet war in Afghanistan.
sr4470 said:
The Beast (sometimes known as 'The Beast of War') - a decent depiction of the Soviet war in Afghanistan.

Sounds interesting. I'll give it a try.

According to current memory, my five:

For a Few Dollars More
The Long Good Friday
Total Recall
School for Scoundrels
Kind Hearts and Coronets
Dark Star
Wings of Honneamise
My Neighbour Totoro
The Happiness of the Katakuris
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