You're not a true OCUKer til you've done one of these

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have you had any contact from her at all yet?

im interested to find out where she's gone / been doing

counldnt care less about the pics though
Mister_Pister said:
one image shall be owled at 3,6 & 9 as I said before - nobody is getting the originals :p

You should wait until you hear from her again before deciding if anyone gets the originals, she might do something that makes you want to annoy her greatly.
JKD said:
So what is exactly is an owl? I could do with some lunchtime nork pics!

ORLY owl:
Mellownatts said:
Ditto, any news on her where abouts now/last night ?

nope after her retarded text earlier I havent heard a peep. To be honest I dont really care now. Im spending all the holiday money on seeing my mates that I dont get to see often, least they actually want to see me unlike her apparantly!
Seems to me like she is a bit of an attention whore, she tells you her boyfriend used to beat her, so you feel sorry for her and will always try really hard to be nice to her.

She tells you she will go on holiday with you but never shows and turns out there wasn't even a plane. She wanted you to be worried about her so she could turn up sometime today with an amazing excuse so she wouldn't have to go on holiday and most likely it would be something like a relative had died, so she got a load of sympathy. What she didn't expect was you phoning the police and them getting her mother involved, that ruined her little game and now she doesn't want to talk to you anymore because you don't do what she expects, now she needs to find someone who will.

Sounds a bit like a messed up Derren Brown...
M0T said:
Seems to me like she is a bit of an attention whore, she tells you her boyfriend used to beat her, so you feel sorry for her and will always try really hard to be nice to her.

She tells you she will go on holiday with you but never shows and turns out there wasn't even a plane. She wanted you to be worried about her so she could turn up sometime today with an amazing excuse so she wouldn't have to go on holiday and most likely it would be something like a relative had died, so she got a load of sympathy. What she didn't expect was you phoning the police and them getting her mother involved, that ruined her little game and now she doesn't want to talk to you anymore because you don't do what she expects, now she needs to find someone who will.

Sounds a bit like a messed up Derren Brown...

hm I hadnt thought of it like that before. Seems to be pretty on the mark though
i have a feeling this will bite back somehow

maybe ive missed something but

you dont know where she is / was last night so at worst she could have had an accident or been detained somehow?

could her battery be dead on her phone?

hope it works out for the best anyhow, that goes without saying really
gotta love OcUK soap operas though makes for interesting reading
Ransom said:
could her battery be dead on her phone?

Nope it worked again when she wanted to moan at me for the police goin round her mums again. If it was that much of an important thing that happened e.g. an accident I cant see why she would wanna hide it from me
Just remember what ever happens, She is NOT pregnant.

I can see that one getting used with this :mad:
Zip said:
Just remember what ever happens, She is NOT pregnant.

I can see that one getting used with this :mad:

yeah that old chesnut. Hopefully even she wouldnt stoop that low though. Thinkin about it more and more M0T's post is i think EXACTLY what happened. She would have come down or rang some time today with some sympathy getting excuse as to why she wasnt there.

She just signed in and out again on msn on her hardly ever used name that I forgot I added just then. On a plane? Me thinks not.

On a side note in order to censor these images completely it basically is just a picture of an owl...
Wait from the letter at the beginning don’t her parents even know you two are going out?

How long have you been together?
Sparky__H said:
Wait from the letter at the beginning don’t her parents even know you two are going out?

How long have you been together?

Yea they do know we going out dunno why I put it like that I havent had much sleep. About 2-3 months officially but unnoficially a fair while longer
Mister_Pister said:
Yea they do know we going out dunno why I put it like that I havent had much sleep. About 2-3 months officially but unnoficially a fair while longer

Has this drama/attention queen behaviour been constant throughout?
Sparky__H said:
Has this drama/attention queen behaviour been constant throughout?

Well not really to be honest. The only main excuses ive had off her have been being tired and staying out too late etc, nothing too dramatic. Havent had any dead relatives or the like. This incident is pretty out of the blue compared to her normal behaviour pattern
Mister_Pister said:
Well not really to be honest. The only main excuses ive had off her have been being tired and staying out too late etc, nothing too dramatic. Havent had any dead relatives or the like. This incident is pretty out of the blue compared to her normal behaviour pattern

A serious change in behaviour can normally be attributed to something that happened to her at some time.

I’d give her a little cooling off period before making contact again, ask her what’s wrong. If she’s still being a little girl break it off with her as if she cant be bothered to act like an adult then she shouldn’t be treated like one.

A good nights sleep is recommended for both parties in these situations
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