You're not a true OCUKer til you've done one of these

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Socaddict said:
All those in favour of banning Mister_Pister for failing to provide nekkid pics of his ex to amuse us while we are at work
Lol quality photoshopping skills there. It's so bad I can't even figure out what the hell the picture is supposed to be :P
All those in favour of banning Mister_Pister for failing to provide nekkid pics of his ex to amuse us while we are at work
Steameh - Unless he 'hits' her mum, then he is a legend
Spacky said:

Still no boobies and now we swap boobies for Owls, pah!


Aye have just made Mr Spawn a very happy fella indeed with that Gif :D
I'm gonna wave bye bye to this thread now - its full of hormonal guys who are now gonna sulk that some1 has a concience and wasnt going to adhere to stereotypical male thinking.

Plenty of other places to see boobs people.
Best wishes to you Mister Pister - Hope things work out good for you over the next few days.
Pickers said:
I'm gonna wave bye bye to this thread now - its full of hormonal guys who are now gonna sulk that some1 has a concience and wasnt going to adhere to stereotypical male thinking.

Plenty of other places to see boobs people.
Best wishes to you Mister Pister - Hope things work out good for you over the next few days.

cheers - yea I think I might have to jump ship too soon :p
Pickers said:
I'm gonna wave bye bye to this thread now - its full of hormonal guys who are now gonna sulk that some1 has a concience and wasnt going to adhere to stereotypical male thinking.

Plenty of other places to see boobs people.
Best wishes to you Mister Pister - Hope things work out good for you over the next few days.


Originally thread was titled with Boobies by Mr Davey, so this thread had its hopes up for everyone with some flumptious boobitainment, for us the working masses.
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