YouTube prankster shot (lol)

Somebody should shoot the father for good measure. Preferably in his testicles. Never understood these retarded YouTube ‘prank’ videos. Funny to begin with but now it’s just every gimp with a phone and go pro thinking they’re funny.
Tbf it's just an evolution of the Trigger Happy/Jackass hijinks dialed up because the audience is fickle.

I'm also of the belief that it's the publication of what used to be fairly 'private' pranks done by teenage guys in the past due to the excessive usage of mobiles creating a reflex to film their stupid ****.
Well, I think it was wrong to shoot him. Talk about excessive.

It was only a matter of time, though. These pranksters really ask for it. Only a matter of time before they found an idiot that was going to give it to them.
Well they'd use anything less excessive against you for views... so really not much option other than to 12 gauge their midsection.
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These pranksters deserve what they get BUT did he need to actually pull the trigger? Surely you pull the gun, tell the idiot to back off one more time and if he still gets in your face then under US law you have it coming.
The debate will be did the shooter feel that his life was in danger. I don't see how he can have known what the YouTubers intentions were when he was acting so weird.
The jury have already decided that it was self defence, then I people can 'debate' all they want, I'm going to guess that large guy harassing small guy towering over him with an emotionless expression intended to scare someone is probably most of the way there already..

The problem with Pranksters is they often do this, look at Mizzy, goes around telling people he's going to kill them..
If he truly thought he was in danger then not firing gives the others time to pull their guns and fire.
Or worse, as there's three of them, get disarmed whilst you are carrying and balancing your bags and trying to keep three potentially moving targets who aren't listening to you from surrounding you and then getting revenge on you for pulling a piece on them.
I thought prank vids got demonetised a few years ago? I guess not judging by the amount still doing it.

I used to like watching ThatWasEpic and AngryPicnic, pretty light hearted...not watched any for a while though.
It's also very telling that they only perform such stunts/pranks in "safe" locations (where such actions could be argued away as a prank/joke).

Try doing that in South London; somewhere like Brixton - they won't just get the one shot/stab in return. You start something (don't back away when warned and looking like you're making them a mark), you better hope you can finish it, because if you won't the other one will.
But it's America... consealed carry is ok with the right paperwork.... crazy country.

Yup, because unlike America, if someone breaks into your house with your kids and family and you shoot them, it's you that goes to prison.

And we think we have everything so right....

I think they (America) have on this scenario, got it spot on.

I appreciate you don't live in the UK, and yea, whilst maybe we don't quite want the general public walking around with concealed firearms, I think we really could do with moving over towards that direction, slightly.

Instead we just put more laws and restrictions in that only punish law abiding citizens and empower criminals even further.
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