He obviously didn't watch it right to the end. There is actually a strong message in that video.I found that funny but then got a load of grief from my inlaw who i forwarded it to as he thought it was racist/promoting killing black people so maybe best remove it
He obviously didn't watch it right to the end. There is actually a strong message in that video.
I found that funny but then got a load of grief from my inlaw who i forwarded it to as he thought it was racist/promoting killing black people so maybe best remove it
I'm not sure why the poster should remove it because a small minority of people are a bit slow. It was a good video tbh..
I'm not sure what's worse
Apple being scumbags with their anti consumer practices
or the morons who are happily bending over and letting Apple screw them whilst paying through the nose for it
A one for our resident love islander:
I knew they did alright out of this but didn't realise they could rake in those kind of numbers, just goes to show who's really the stupid ones in all of this
I knew they did alright out of this but didn't realise they could rake in those kind of numbers, just goes to show who's really the stupid ones in all of this
Apple are quite happy to give a good pumping to people who buy their products. If they're too thick to see the forest for the tree's then they may get used to it. They're just form over function, make a laptop with an insufficient cooling system as they prefer silence and a throttling cpu over a bit of fan noise.
"But but look, its shiny aluminium".
Their computers are ever more becoming disposable pieces of crap with the user not being able to upgrade anything as they prefer to solder memory, ssd, cpu's etc to the "logic" board. Basically built in obsolescence.
EURion constellation appears to be legit - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EURion_constellation