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christ what were Sennhiser thinking with this :p

When i first moved to Holland in 1999, one of my cousins was a rep for Sennheiser and one weekend she brought one of .these home. Now it looks like crap but it came in a soecial suitcase, cost an absolute mint and had that whole air of exclusivity about it. I tried a few songs on it and it sounded crap, then she plugged it in to an accompanying tube amp (also Sennheiser, also a mint) and olayed some classical for me and it all made sense. Even though I loved crap like Scooter and Alice Deejay I could still appreciate tue sound this thing made, it was astonishing.

Probsbly sounds like a pair of £10 headphones nowadays but back then this thjng blew me away. She wouldn't give it to me, the bitch :(
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