*** Youtube/Video thread ***

^ Brilliant. Good tune too.

Saw this the other day. I don't think I've seen a music video get so much movie treatment.

Saw this the other day. I don't think I've seen a music video get so much movie treatment. [..]

The history nerd in me winces at that video, but having read an English translation of the lyrics it makes more sense. There are anachronisms and inaccuracies, but no worse than many "historical" films, better than some and for far less malicious purposes. It's a frank and honest story of being German and acknowledging German history. They even reference the fact that Germany didn't strictly speaking exist until very recently, correctly labelling the earliest references as Germania (which wasn't the same area) rather than Germany and referring to Germany as being old and young. I'm impressed by it, though rather less by the depiction of plate armour as being made of thin papier mache and tinfoil.
The history nerd in me winces at that video, but having read an English translation of the lyrics it makes more sense. There are anachronisms and inaccuracies, but no worse than many "historical" films, better than some and for far less malicious purposes. It's a frank and honest story of being German and acknowledging German history. They even reference the fact that Germany didn't strictly speaking exist until very recently, correctly labelling the earliest references as Germania (which wasn't the same area) rather than Germany and referring to Germany as being old and young. I'm impressed by it, though rather less by the depiction of plate armour as being made of thin papier mache and tinfoil.

It's a complex portrayal, for sure. Germania as a black woman? That annoyed a few. It reminds me of the black Jesus in Madonna's "Like a prayer".

Anyway. Yes, I agree it's a great video. It's a pleasure watching anything with artistic merit these days.
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It's a complex portrayal, for sure. Germania as a black woman? That annoyed a few. It reminds me of the black Jesus in Madonna's "Like a prayer".

Anyway. Yes, I agree it's a great video. It's a pleasure watching anything with artistic merit these days.

I thought that was a strange choice as well, but I'd like to know their reasons before passing judgement. It certainly doesn't fit and I initially assumed she must be a Roman who'd changed sides. But a supernatural entity who can take on any appearance they choose any time they like wouldn't be out of context, so it's sort of internally consistent if they have a good reason to make that choice, i.e. not as an attempt at appeasement to popular irrational prejudices, and some supernatural hand-waving is employed to explain away a high ranking Nazi officer who was a "black" woman. There was plenty of hypocrisy in Nazism, but that wouldn't have happened. But hey, supernatural entity. Maybe different people see her with a different appearance at the same time. When you bring supernatural entities into the story, all bets are off and any inconsistencies can be dismissed.
I thought that was a strange choice as well, but I'd like to know their reasons before passing judgement. It certainly doesn't fit and I initially assumed she must be a Roman who'd changed sides. But a supernatural entity who can take on any appearance they choose any time they like wouldn't be out of context, so it's sort of internally consistent if they have a good reason to make that choice, i.e. not as an attempt at appeasement to popular irrational prejudices, and some supernatural hand-waving is employed to explain away a high ranking Nazi officer who was a "black" woman. There was plenty of hypocrisy in Nazism, but that wouldn't have happened. But hey, supernatural entity. Maybe different people see her with a different appearance at the same time. When you bring supernatural entities into the story, all bets are off and any inconsistencies can be dismissed.

Like most art of similar nature it's a pinch of reality, a spinkle of opinion and several tablespoons of drama.

Christ, she does look hot in those gold knickers though.
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