*** Youtube/Video thread ***

Do you support Israel ? I do.

No, not whatsoever. He comes across as a divide and conquer sort of gentlemen in that video "lay down your weapons and submit to us and we wont kill you." and quite honestly when Israel (a country that wasn't even around prior to 1946) has stole and pillaged 99% of pales tines land and materials (Gaza alone has had 25000 homes demolished by the Israelis in the past year) you really have to question how you can support such a regime just because the west backs it.

When a country such as Israel, which was set up to avoid the occurrence of genocide, persecution and religious/ethnic hate then starts committing those atrocities on another state and peoples one word comes to mind, and that is Hypocrisy.

I mean just look at Gaza where the israelies have built a giant wall around it, does that not harken back to their own history of being locked up in concentration camps and fleeing Europe from the fascist's to set up their own state.

You only have to look at this map to realise the truly unfair monstrostity that Israel has become since its initial founding and the lands they owned to what they have now.

Frustrates me how the West back them implicitly and by doing so only develop more hate towards us among the Arab world.
So....apart from being absolutely terrible (IMO) - without looking at the comments can anyone name the song that has been totally ripped riff wise by these clowns?

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