Man of Honour
Originally posted by ChroniC
In light of what has happened, my i suggest that zoltans family recieve this money no matter what. The last thing people need at times like this is money worries or such alike. Be they poor or rich, i think it is obvious that zoltan would have wanted them to be looked after, safe and secure. If zoltans dad chooses otherwise i think that is his decision, the person who knew him best knows who should recieve this money.
The decision of where the collection goes is wholly with Zoltan's family.
It is rightfully theirs, and if they choose for it all to go to the hospice then it goes to the hospice. I am not going to tell them how to spend their own money.
If they choose to take part or all of the money, and donate as much as can be spared to the hospice, then so be it.
There is no rush for the decision to be made. Whenever Zoltan's family has come to an agreement, they can let me know and I'll carry that wish out.