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Zotac 3090 seems slow

25 Sep 2020
Hey all,

Does anyone else feel the 3090 is slow? I have 64gb RAM, 3900X, 2560x1440 and in metro everything on extreme I get a whole 60-80 FPS.

In 3D mark I am getting
12452 in Port Royal
17526 in Time Spy.

I came from a 1080 FE.

The card is boosting with stock settings to 1900mhz +

any feedback would be appreciated .
When I pay off the £1000 left I have on this card I will see about getting a 5000 series perhaps. In the mean time I will try 3200hz by changing the timings, unstable on 16 18 18 18 36 1.35v. I have Ryzen DRAM calc to aid me.
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