ZX750 P4 Gossip/prices/thoughts Pics inc.

We had a couple of dark clouds come over but no rain, Damn windy though.
Well done mate!

I've just recently passed my test (restricted licence) and looking for a suzuki sv 650 curvey. However, its been bad luck for about 2 weeks on finding one :(

Make sure you ride safely and slowly, this is where your learning starts!
Well I have to say I didn't come away from passing my test thinking Sweet that's me I can ride a bike now.
The reality is that I came away thinking **** me how did I survive before ? :o
As said earlier I will be starting slowly & carefully when it's nice & quiet on some roads that will also be quiet & that I know.
I keep patting myself on the back for not going out tonight on a mental Friday evening. :p
Well I have to say I didn't come away from passing my test thinking Sweet that's me I can ride a bike now.
The reality is that I came away thinking **** me how did I survive before ? :o
As said earlier I will be starting slowly & carefully when it's nice & quiet on some roads that will also be quiet & that I know.
I keep patting myself on the back for not going out tonight on a mental Friday evening. :p


For me it was the feeling that I've got the licence for life now and won't have to pay sub £120 every 2 years for a CBT.

Yeah, excellent idea on waiting for tomorrow as roads will be quieter. Its not you I'm worried about, its all the other bloody idiots on the road! Just be careful with cars at junctions and things like that! Have your side lights on, and just have fun!

I just can't wait for you to right something like "Went past 9k rpm and I left something in my pants" in a few weeks haha!
Just be careful with cars at junctions !

I had someone pull out on me last October on my 1T, Hit the wing, went over the bonnet & into oncoming traffic & then off to hospital with a mauve dick. Weird thing as well is on my lessons I must have gone past that junction 30 times in the last 2 weeks & was starting to wonder whether my instructor was taking the ****. :p
Can't believe my luck on the weather front, I looked earlier & the smiley man said Dry Saturday, Dry Sunday, Dry Monday. I was like YIPPEE KIYAY ****** ****** :D

O Yer & the Superbikes are at Donny. :cool:
Just done my first 75 miles. :D

It took about 50 miles before I felt comfortable & I took it real easy although saying that the bike doesn't sound good until you get it around the 8k mark. :p
The front end is mint & the brakes are unreal & the bike kind of rides itself but the real buzz starts when you open it up as the surge of power is Awesome, I can't explain it but it just feels endless. :cool:
I'm off out again. :D

I also forgot to tell you all about this morning. :o
Went out to my bike all kitted up, Got it off the Paddock stand without dropping it & climbed aboard. Pressed the starter with a bit of choke on & it just turned over without firing. I tried different choke settings but in the end the battery started to slow down & it looked like it wasn't going to start, *** me I said Typical as I took my helmet off. A moments thought & I looked down to the petrol tap which was OFF !!! :o + :p
Turned petrol on & she fired up lovely, Phew :p
I'm off out again. :D

I also forgot to tell you all about this morning. :o
Went out to my bike all kitted up, Got it off the Paddock stand without dropping it & climbed aboard. Pressed the starter with a bit of choke on & it just turned over without firing. I tried different choke settings but in the end the battery started to slow down & it looked like it wasn't going to start, *** me I said Typical as I took my helmet off. A moments thought & I looked down to the petrol tap which was OFF !!! :o + :p
Turned petrol on & she fired up lovely, Phew :p
We've all done it, don't worry :).
the petrol taps on those bikes are so awkward and stiff

You're right there mate as i just found out when I had to switch to reserve.
So I've done 150 miles or so & I'm loving it, Only reason I came back in is because my wrists are starting to feel it. I am sitting comfortably & my arms are relaxed but they still take a fair battering when braking & going slow, Strangely.
The bike is so easy to ride & just goes wherever you are looking & I did a few hard brake tests & **** me my eyes nearly popped out. :p

Went up "The Road" & that Left right bend on the way back that rises & sweeps round is Mega. Going over a rise with power on makes me absolutely **** my pantys, The way the bike & me goes weightless & you can't see the road because of the hill just about sends me to the Moon & back. :p

Having a rest now for half hour then I'm gonna have a clean, I can't see myself not going out again later & I'm booked in with the Easy rider over Derby tomorrow so I'll have a nice run up that way an all.

One thing that's a bit of a pain is filling up & how often I'm going to have to do it, I could easily rinse a tank away in a couple of hours so basically if I went out all day I'd need to fill up about 4 times. :mad: + :p
my zx6 fuel tap is the same,i clocked mine from a full tank to reserve i can do 100-105 miles so not too bad,no idea on reserve to empty but i think i rode 20 miles or so on reserve
You must be riding harder than me at the mo then as I reckon I got around 130 miles & I didn't brim it when I filled up. I'm not to bothered about the cost of petrol it's just stopping & filling up that will **** me off.
Done some reading & somebody mentioned moving my levers so I don't have to reach up if you know what I mean, Had a fiddle & moved them & it will help for sure as I am not having to reach up & over any more.

And of course I had a little clean & polish session. :cool:
Did 110 miles this morning, Felt better about my riding position although it still feels a little awkward but I know I am sitting right now so I'll just have to wait for my muscles in those areas to catch up.
I'm loving it out there but I have to admit to being the Slowest sports bike riding Dude on the road. :o
I don't care though & I won't be pushed past my comfort zone I just move over when the other bikes come behind me & wave them on. :p Think I got passed by a C90 earlier but it was only coz he had racing stripes on his helmet & mine is plain. :D (joke if you missed it)

For anybody wondering whether they should go to the trouble of the tests & expense I would say Yes Yes Yes. I have Never felt acceleration like it & I'm not even pushing the bike yet the buzz is Incredible & the freedom is what every man needs. :cool:
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