sexual emergency

29 Jan 2008
Have you been to any of the War zones in Syria, et al?


Seen the people that have their homes and families destroyed and killed? A lot of these people that you say are 'flooding' Europe are doing so because they are trying to escape from the barbaric things that are going on. They are desperate and clinging to the one thing that most humans share on an instinctual level, survival.

No they achieve that when they make it to Turkey, Jordan or simply other areas of Iraq. Some of them, those with the financial resources and who are fit and healthy enough to make the journey then aim to move to Europe - but that isn't about survival/safety that is an economic move. For example the kid who drowned and ended up washed up on a beach, making headlines around the world - his family had the use of a house in Turkey, his father had a job there. They risked everything to move to the EU because some EU countries were openly encouraging them(despite providing no means for them to get there), sadly it ended in disaster.

(This thread was supposed to be about the ridiculous excuse given by a rapist not about the migration issue in general!)
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30 Apr 2006
If these certain peoples are doing things which create sexual repression to please their God then there is a whole new issue here.

The issue of religion is separate to the issue of sexual repression. Religion is a bad thing in itself, some religions are more damaging than others.

It's a pretty big issue as then as religions (most of them) tend to have strict rules when it come to sex and the interaction between men and women. sexual repression can occur without religion, but more often than not you'll find religion behind the cause of it. Islam entrenches itself with it for example

Sexual repression does cause problems however it doesn't actually create a rapist.
That's debatable, if you suppress and man's sexually to a point that he becomes desperate then he might do things that in normal circumstances be normally wouldn't. Poverty and hunger in itself won't cause a thief, but it'll drive many to steal to survive. Personally, i don't want a flood of single sexually repressed men arriving in the UK from backwards cultures from muslim countries that uses sexual repression in such a way.
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5 Dec 2006
Personally, i don't want an flood of single sexually repressed men arriving in the UK.

Agreed. Nice to see you being more specific and actually identifying the specific problem the immigrants have, rather than simply blaming the immigrants.


Personally, i don't want a flood of single sexually repressed men arriving in the UK from backwards cultures from muslim countries that uses sexual repression in such a way.

Oh dear you edited it into a typical rant. Why'd you have to do that lmao. :D

I've already told you it's got nothing to do with the country or religion. I've been to 15 Muslim weddings which were NOT segregated. I've been to 1, ONE, Muslim wedding which was segregated, and it wasn't even Pakistani!!!
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30 Apr 2006
Oh dear you edited it into a typical rant. Why'd you have to do that lmao.

Because that's where they are coming from, listen, if we have an influx from anywhere else in the world, we wouldn't be having these problems, or at the very least, the problems would be more logistics rather than a personal cultural level.

You can't force an incompatible culture on an entire continent and then yell 'bigot. racist. xenophobe' at people when they complain.
(not saying you are, just in general)
13 Aug 2008
Typical hypocrites, they jump on the bandwagon of immigrant bashing as soon as one of those daily fail articles pop up.

Things like this happen every where. Doesn't matter where you are from. Any child should not go through something like this

If you could explain the logic on why we should import this filth unchecked on the basis that there's "others" it would help those who see no sense in it understand your argument.
30 Apr 2006
I've already told you it's got nothing to do with the country or religion. I've been to 15 Muslim weddings which were NOT segregated. I've been to 1, ONE, Muslim wedding which was segregated, and it wasn't even Pakistani!!!

Just out of curiosity, were these weddings in the UK? Or did you go abroad and spent time in the middle-east?

I spent a few months in Dhaka amongst other places, real eye opener on many aspects (Puts the complaints about the gap between the rich and poor in this country in perspective!)
18 Oct 2002
Victoria OZ /Germany/UK
Castration should be mandatory and the castration process offered to the parents of the child . This followed by being dumped somewhere else. Anyone who has kept pigs knows what a beneficial effect this procedure has
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13 Aug 2008
He'll be popular in prison.

Depends, if he gets on the nonce wing and gets pandered to every day.

Stick him in general population if you ask me.

Literally, there's nothing that could happen to filthy nonces I would disagree with. Nothing.

Sorry to all the bleeding hearts out there, but that's how it is.

I wouldn't have a problem explaining my stance if I get judged at the pearly gates either. I don't care how many virgins are at stake. If there's virgins of course, dozens of Religions, they can't all be right.
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29 Mar 2011
No matter what colour your skin that's just bloody not right and he knew it.
Also showing no remorse as in to continue swimming and calling it a "sexual emergency".

Sick dirty little pedo!:mad: If that had been my 9 year old he would be dead.

If I could not catch him, I would be sending a nice care package to the lifer in his prison. ;)

If Merkel had not invited the middle east, north Africa etc this boy would not have been raped.

This is the crux of the problem that is getting peoples backs up.

It is hard enough for us to protect our own children from our own sexual predators with out inviting more.
Child abuse is rampant though out the world and it sickens me to death the is sod all I can do about it.

Are all immigrants sex monsters ? of course not, but the connection of sex crimes and immigration is getting so obvious now people are getting very upset.

Its all gone to hell in a hand cart thanks to that stupid German woman. :mad:
4 Jul 2012
No matter what colour your skin that's just bloody not right and he knew it.
Also showing no remorse as in to continue swimming and calling it a "sexual emergency".

Sick dirty little pedo!:mad: If that had been my 9 year old he would be dead.

If I could not catch him, I would be sending a nice care package to the lifer in his prison. ;)

If Merkel had not invited the middle east, north Africa etc this boy would not have been raped.

This is the crux of the problem that is getting peoples backs up.

It is hard enough for us to protect our own children from our own sexual predators with out inviting more.
Child abuse is rampant though out the world and it sickens me to death the is sod all I can do about it.

Are all immigrants sex monsters ? of course not, but the connection of sex crimes and immigration is getting so obvious now people are getting very upset.

Its all gone to hell in a hand cart thanks to that stupid German woman. :mad:
That is the crux of the problem that is getting the backs up of the uneducated (thick).

It's a really convenient situation to put blame on for people who have issues with immigrants because they have issues with people who are different.

The situation really isn't as simple as you're making out. You've done essentially what had been pointed out earlier in the thread. This woman is as guilty as the child's parents for taking him to the swimming pool.

Because according to your logic that's how it works.

Also, if he actually thought it was wrong, why do you think he stuck around?
4 Jul 2012
Depends, if he gets on the nonce wing and gets pandered to every day.

Stick him in general population if you ask me.

Literally, there's nothing that could happen to filthy nonces I would disagree with. Nothing.

Sorry to all the bleeding hearts out there, but that's how it is.

I wouldn't have a problem explaining my stance if I get judged at the pearly gates either. I don't care how many virgins are at stake. If there's virgins of course, dozens of Religions, they can't all be right.

Whilst I couldn't care less what happens to such a person, I think it's wrong for such things to be state sanctioned. Because equal rights have to apply universally otherwise they're meaningless.
29 Mar 2011
That is the crux of the problem that is getting the backs up of the uneducated (thick).

It's a really convenient situation to put blame on for people who have issues with immigrants because they have issues with people who are different.

The situation really isn't as simple as you're making out. You've done essentially what had been pointed out earlier in the thread. This woman is as guilty as the child's parents for taking him to the swimming pool.

Because according to your logic that's how it works.

Also, if he actually thought it was wrong, why do you think he stuck around?

10 times I have read your reply and am totally perplexed! :confused:

Woman as in Merkel not the child's mother.
30 Apr 2006
That is the crux of the problem that is getting the backs up of the uneducated (thick).

It's a really convenient situation to put blame on for people who have issues with immigrants because they have issues with people who are different.

Do you remember when i earlier in this thread about people who say things like what you just said? You seem incredibly out of touch with the real world and i take issue with you telling people that have genuine concerns that they are uneducated.

All it does it make people turn away from you and your opinions when you call people thick. In the end, if that's all you're going to do then many here won't take you seriously at all and brand you as part of the problem.
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10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford
That is the crux of the problem that is getting the backs up of the uneducated (thick).

I'm not sure. I agree with a lot of the people arguing against you, however I did get 9 A-C GCSEs and 4 A-levels (including an A in maths / further maths and I'm sure a lot of you here had similar grades. We are all allowed an opinion as long as it's not personal attacks.

I know your response to my post though will be "you're ignorant x 100".
4 Jul 2012
10 times I have read your reply and am totally perplexed! :confused:

Woman as in Merkel not the child's mother.

I have to say, it doesn't surprise me much that you don't understand.

Yes, I am aware that you're talking about Merkel. I'm pointing out that blaming her makes just as much sense as blaming the kid's parents for taking him to the swimming pool (as in, it doesn't make any).

Do you remember when i earlier in this thread about people who say things like what you just said? You seem incredibly out of touch with the real world and i take issue with you telling people that have genuine concerns that they are uneducated.

All it does it make people turn away from you and your opinions when you call people thick.

I'm not out of touch with the real world at all. It does absolutely nothing for anyone for people to fixate on the ethnicities of people who've done various bad things.

If the authorities take that in to consideration because statistically people from a certain place are (again, statistically) more likely to commit crime, then fair enough, that's just being objective.

But more often than not, it's just yet another thing that the thick use to moan about people who are different to them.

So what do you do when you come across someone who is saying something thick? Don't highlight it in case they get butthurt?

I never said the concerns were invalid in their entirety, I'm essentially pointing the fallacious logic used to arrive at the conclusions. Whether the conclusion is correct, if you arrive based on faulty logic it's simply a coincidence and such thinking should still be challenged.
4 Jul 2012
I'm not sure. I agree with a lot of the people arguing against you, however I did get 9 A-C GCSEs and 4 A-levels (including an A in maths / further maths. We are all allowed an opinion as long as it's not personal attacks.

I know your response to my post though will be "you're ignorant x 100".

9 GCSEs and 4 A-Levels doesn't mean you can't be thick. I'm not literally saying that you are, but I've known people with qualifications coming out of their arse that struggle to make cheese on toast, and people with no qualifications that are highly intelligent.

You are also quite ignorant from what I've experienced. It isn't a personal attack, I'm just pointing out observations that I've made on things you've said.

Like I've said before, some guy was talking about his wife one time, and put in brackets (FYI she's Chinese) and you took that to mean that he was married to a Chinese woman called Fyi. This is one of many complete misses I've seen you make on these forums.

So I'm not surprised you're in agreement with those people, I honestly feel it's because you're not completely understanding the situation and letting others decide what your own opinions are.
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