Project: Two storey/part single storey side and rear extensions

21 Jan 2010
Tbh I'd just pay the £2.2k. Not worth the headache/hassle/retribution. Agreed on discounting by the amount of the doors tho. Kiss any warranty good bye.
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15 Oct 2007
Tbh I'd just pay the £2.2k. Not worth the headache/hassle/retribution. Agreed on discounting by the amount of the doors tho. Kiss any warranty good bye.

I really do not want to give the satisfaction, even if it was £50.00, The numerous issues encountered during the build despite our efforts to address them have been distressing and the constant missed deadlines. We are in a few day's approaching 1 year and technically we are still not finished.



15 Oct 2007
Hows the refusal to pay the final payment gone down with the developer? I guess that's the final chapter to this story, I hope that he's agreed to not expect it and all is done and dusted.
Good luck :)
Just put the phone down, all you need to say is please reach out via email.
So things did not go well. Before we sent the email, my wife had like 4 missed calls and voicemails. So, I decided to call him as he is chasing the building regulation certificate for his records to sign off his insurance. Fair enough!

He wanted to discuss money on the phone, so I said I need to send an email, but off the top of my head, the doors come to around 4K something; I've not checked. This is where the conversation went downhill rapidly. He could not provide the doors, so we sourced them ourselves after waiting months for him to deliver. He is saying he could have got the doors for £800 - £1000 so is expecting a minimum of £4,000 plus all extras that have randomly come out of thin air like bathroom tiles (LOL, they are listed on the quote - he provided). Long story short, he threatened me and said he is sending his debt collectors up. I just laughed and said, 'How can you do that when you have not even invoiced me?' and that he would see me in court. He got heated and then put the phone down after hurling insults.

10 minutes later, he called like 4 times before I decided to answer. Now he wants a copy of the invoice for the doors and wants to finish the work :x

*We actually did not pay £4,300 in the end as I negotiated a good discount and the company could see we were in dire need of something urgent as we had a bit of PVC with no security. Not sure if I need to send him anything? It's not like he has sent me invoices for his PC sum amounts for things like bathrooms? If I send; surely I can redact the company's name etc.?"
1 Nov 2011
Send the email, stating that is the only avenue of communication you want from this point.

I'd also state that any further attempts to call/threaten or turning up in person will be reported to the police under S1 of The Protection from Harassment Act 1997*, and S1 Malicious Communications Act 1988**.

Then block his number and make a police report using 101. Police will say your dispute is a civil matter (and the contract part definitely is), but his recent behaviour is not and they should at least provide you a crime reference number, to quote if you need to follow up with any future incidents.

Put the disputed amount to one side and wait for a letter from the cheapest solicitor local to him.


13 Feb 2012
I mean :D, that's what we was "quoted" - now he wants to see the invoice :x
Not wanting to pay him the final balance £6.5k or whatever is understandable when you factor in that final balance was supposed to include the supply and fitment of the door that you guys ended up doing yourselves. I didnt imagine it would go smoothly, especially as he thinks he should be netting at least £5k out of that (based on what he said he could have gotten the doors for himself!) and 5k isnt a small sum to just not fight over.

I dont blame him wanting to see the invoice though, £4.3k is a lot of money for 2 doors tbh and didnt you end up with upvc anyway(even for composite £4.3k is a lot!)? This is the only thing i disagree with what you have done here, giving him the wrong price you paid, somewhat shot yourself in the foot on that one, as it will undermine the validity of what other points you have to put across.



15 Oct 2007
Not wanting to pay him the final balance £6.5k or whatever is understandable when you factor in that final balance was supposed to include the supply and fitment of the door that you guys ended up doing yourselves. I didnt imagine it would go smoothly, especially as he thinks he should be netting at least £5k out of that (based on what he said he could have gotten the doors for himself!) and 5k isnt a small sum to just not fight over.

I dont blame him wanting to see the invoice though, £4.3k is a lot of money for 2 doors tbh and didnt you end up with upvc anyway(even for composite £4.3k is a lot!)? This is the only thing i disagree with what you have done here, giving him the wrong price you paid, somewhat shot yourself in the foot on that one, as it will undermine the validity of what other points you have to put across.

No, totally makes sense and this is kind of silly of me. However, i would in my defense - was looking at the "quote" price and not the invoice when speaking this morning [thats on me]; PLUS

we were compelled to take matters into our own hands by sourcing and paying installation of both front and back doors, thus reducing his net amount (regardless of door's final price). This undertaking not only incurred additional expenses but also consumed significant time and effort on our part as we had to source something really quick following constant delays and excuses by the developer [we are talking 3 months+]. That further exacerbated our rental accommodation stay and additional fees and expenses we had to pay, this coupled with the doors/fitting, well exceeded that amount.
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1 Nov 2011
He's threatened court (aside from everything else), so now it's time to ignore everything bar pre-action protocol as per Civil Procedure Rules. So Arbitration or Summons...




15 Oct 2007
I haven't sent the email yet, as the situation may be getting more complicated. I'm not sure if anyone here has any insights or can provide assistance. My wife manages our monthly direct debits for our energy supplies. However, the gas meter reading hasn't changed for several months; it's been stuck on the same numbers since September. We haven't been living at the house much, but even so, the energy supplier agreed to send an engineer to replace the gas meter.

He asked questions like who capped the gas, etc. It's all been done and tested fine now. However, looking at the dates, it seems the meter stopped functioning when the "developer" capped off the old gas stove supply for the cooker (coincidence maybe), as everything is now electric in the kitchen. We don't have any certificates for the work (I'm not sure if they are needed), but we are almost certain that the plumber, whom the developer insists didn't "touch our boiler" so it's fine, is not actually Corgi registered.

My question is: "Do you need to be gas registered to cap off any gas pipe?" Additionally, this plumber had drained the system multiple times, causing many leaks, and ultimately it resulted in us needing a new boiler.
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20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
I'm inclined to agree with you. But I also think kai should go with the price that the builder quoted for the doors and not pay him that. I don't think it's relevant how much kai actually paid for them.

I think it’s fair in this situation to go with what Kai paid even if higher than quoted.

The situation dictated urgency which could result in a higher price.

As long as it’s not excessive and specs are consistent.



15 Oct 2007
Kai has asked for more than what he paid :cry:

I did; but i was also reading off the quote, not the invoice when i provided the figures Friday. But' why can't i factor in it incurred additional expenses (we had to travel and shop around) but also consumed significant time and effort on our part, plus addtional rent, bills etc while we was messed around for months with promise of the doors.
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20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
I did; but i was also reading off the quote, not the invoice when i provided the figures Friday. But' why can't i factor in it incurred additional expenses (we had to travel and shop around) but also consumed significant time and effort on our part, plus addtional rent, bills etc while we was messed around for months with promise of the doors.

I think that's valid points. I'd just break them down on your quote as

Doors X
Time incurred Y
Rent Y2
Total Z

Rather than just put the doors straight at Z
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