Brexit thread - what happens next

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Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
the fact you cannot see past the fact that these unelected men and women dictate to people living here or anywhere is not enough, what more do you need?

Unelected people are intrinsically involved in the governing of this state and will continue to do whilever the country exists in its current form. Why does the location of their desk make any difference to you?
23 Oct 2002
Does anyone actually have any idea the timescales we are talking about when it comes to certain things? Lets say we are ejected and treated like a non-EU/EEA country - how long could it take to organise:
  • Ability to move into/around the EU short term - both holidays and for business
  • Ability to emigrate into the EU
  • Import/export trade agreements with the EU for goods/services
  • Any short/long-term immigration to non-EU that have been lost due to exiting the EU
  • Trade agreements with the non-EU for goods/services that have been lost due to exiting the EU
Im sure theres more to think about but it be good to get a ball park figure on those types of negotiations.

ps3ud0 :cool:

People talk about the medium term when it comes to these things, that is 5 - 10 years to get it done but as we will have so many to do it will probably take longer.
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30 Mar 2004
It's a collection of about 100 (and growing) stories that one person has compiled from across social media and posted on Facebook. Most of the stories are recounting incidents of hate speech, racial abuse and threats against immigrants (both EU and non-EU) SINCE the referendum. Things such a graffitti daubed on doors, hate messages posted through letterboxes, insults and worse hurled in the street, direct threats at work and in the street and so on. You get the picture.

This referendum has emboldened those that hold such views and given them, in their eyes, legitimacy. It sickens me to my stomach.

In other news, Hilary Benn has been sacked from the shadow cabinet. It's all kicking off!
7 Jul 2009
The positive here is that we will shortly be an independent democracy once more rather than become more and more amalgamated into a federated EU run by appointed not elected cronies.

2 million others don't agree with you.

They're now signing a petition to show how unhappy they are with democracy.
17 Oct 2007
Some where in England
The problem with Britain is the benefit system is amazing compared to what they get back home so they all come here on agency work and then guess what ? they love it that much they invite there families to come and live here as well , in the mean time more houses have to be build bumping up mortgage prices and rent because of high demand ,stopping loads of us ever getting a mortgage , Polish shops start to pop up in local communities because they don't like English food ,then guess what ? communities become divided , it takes longer to see a GP , it takes longer to get a dentist if you don't have one , it takes longer to have an operation on the NHS , too many foreigners coming in to England and the average joe like you and me have to deal with it , don't get me wrong I love the Polish and I have never had any problems with any of them , but its not nice when you walk in to your local super market and you don't understand what they are saying.
20 Oct 2004
Only time will tell if we have made the right choice , both had its cons ! 17.6 million voted to leave why do you think that is ??? the country is split down the middle , you have all these people screaming lets open the boarders and let everyone in and on the other side you have people wanting to stick up walls ! Its a sad time for Britain because its going to take years to sort all this out. asking for another vote is just stupid , If anything more people would vote to leave ! No one likes losing , You get another vote and vote leavers will do everything they can to get others to leave

You understand though that regardless of the result of the referendum, to move this country forward our elected politicians and civil servants are going to have to broker new trade deals with the largest economic bloc on the planet? You understand that their founding core principles, which they wont relax includes freedom of movement, which we will have to adopt, again?

Our border will not change and if they do it will be for the worse, because outside of the EU we have no hope of negotiating immigration limits at a time, when for example Turkey joins the EU. You understand that yes?
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17 Aug 2009
Independence from a political union that I've never voted for or given the chance to.

February '92 is when it changed.

What has it done to impact your life?

I mean negatively of course.

Every time you might have gone abroad in europe or bought goods and food brought in you are benefiting from the EU.
23 Oct 2002
Something like that, they'll find a way.

I wouldn't be surprised if we end up having referendum after referendum until we get it right. I put nothing past this government, it's not like the public can do anything about it, yeah fine riot in your thousands, it won't change a bloody thing.

It is why they will leave it for a bit ... to let tempers cool and the minds of people onto something else. The bottom line is the Referendum is not legally binding on Parliament.
17 Feb 2006
The good news is we have are country back to take control of it the way we want to and maybe turn in back to what is was 10 years ago ! I don't like my town being a mini Europe ! because that is the problem , Britain has lost its identity , I don't know about you but I don't even go in to my shopping centre anymore because I don't understand anyone. that is never a good thing, its wrong and its sad that this has happened.

Who is this "we" that now has control of this country? The electorate? Heck, no. We just get manipulated by the ruling classes into legitimising whatever it is they want to do.

Also we're a globalised world now. I don't think Britain or its government will ever again be able to act purely according to its own desire. Too many treaties to uphold; the continual necessity of keeping your neighbours on good terms; and of the essential requirement of continuing good trading relations.

You can be a North Korea and have total control... but it's hardly a shining example of how great it is to be your own boss and isolate yourself.

Meanwhile in the real world, Britain has to accept terms from other countries in order to get along.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
So let's change it then, and say 'a plan for prosperity' whether that be continued or new.

Just any plan at all, really.

No clear plans have been outlined because both campaigns descended into headline grabbing idiocy. People weren't able to keep calm and every debate became a heated argument full of quirky catchphrases (independence day, etc).

The dust has barely started to settle, hopefully when it does some sort of plan will be put forward, addressing the main points with regards to our withdrawal from the EU.

At present we have a country completely divided and if it continues everything will get much worse.
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