Final Fantasy VII REBIRTH (Remake Part 2)

30 Aug 2014
The patch for visuals and other stuff is apparently out, will test it in a couple of hours.

EDIT: No surprises, as per Squeenix's usual ineptitude when it comes to fixing stuff, we now have two performance modes: "sharp" aka "blurry" and "soft" aka "blurrier":p They haven't fixed a thing, just added a useless filter on top of something that still looks like it renders at 720p in 2024.

Surprisingly, Quality mode seems to look better so I'll just treat this as a 30fps game and force through. They'll never fix things nor add a much needed 40fps mode. Just like they never did with FFXVI. It's the first game ever where I genuinely think it's better to stomach 30fps than use perf mode.

Shame, as I'm enjoying the experience so far. It probably won't be a 10/10 by the end but it's solid and the atmosphere is great.
I totally agree; I hate 30 FPS, but even that's better than the shockingly bad looking performance mode(s) and at least it's a consistent and smooth 30 FPS with great frametimes (which developers seem to struggle with on PC).

I just don't understand why they can't use a better upscaler. I suspect even AMD's FSR 2+ would be a huge improvement, it's open source and is readily available.

The base resolution is higher than 1080P in performance mode, but it looks much lower than this, so whatever they are using is not good enough.
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8 Sep 2012
I totally agree; I hate 30 FPS, but even that's better than the shockingly bad looking performance mode(s) and at least it's a consistent and smooth 30 FPS with great frametimes (which developers seem to struggle with on PC).

I just don't understand why they can't use a better upscaler. I suspect even AMD's FSR 2+ would be a huge improvement, it's open source and is readily available.

The base resolution is higher than 1080P in performance mode, but it looks much lower than this, so whatever they are using is not good enough.

Yup, FSR would absolutely look better than whatever they're currently using but I guess they won't be bothered. Same with 40fps mode which would completely transform the experience as it would give us close to graphics mode visuals with a much smoother framerate.

Squeenix is a bit like From, they make great games but they're terribly inept when it comes to optimisation. Elden Ring's performance mode on PS5 is just shockingly bad to this day and what's worse the reason for that has been known for quite a while and they still haven't done squat.
At least Squeenix are trying but I wouldn't hope for much.

Anyways, the 30fps mode does indeed feel relatively "smooth" after a while and looks miles better so I'm sticking with that unless they fix perf mode.
6 Mar 2010
damnn. I'm guessing your level carried over to the 2nd part? but yeah really looking forward to playing this.

Nothing carries over from Remake. Only if you have a save file from the main game do you get the Ramuh summon, and if you have a save game for the Yuffie DLC, you get the Leviathan summon. Otherwise all gear and levels do not carry over.
25 Oct 2010
The super boss and second to last fight before him are absolutely brutal in this.

That being Gilgamesh, you get to him by collecting all of the protorelics and then the fully upgraded summons. You then fight them two at a time leading up to Gilgamesh and it's not too difficult, but the Odin + Alexander combo can be a pain with the need to focus on Odin. It wouldn't be as bad if the lock on feature worked properly, but it never seems to do so. Still, epic fights either way.
23 Oct 2006
I finished the main game and all the mini games (including the extra vr boxing fights).
Can’t be bothered with hard mode this time, the hard combat simulator fights being 10 rounds long is just too much.
25 Oct 2010
I just finished this today.

Absolutely loved the game, admittedly some of the story choices I'm unsure about, but the overall experience and the characters was wonderful. The world was a joy to explore, but again far from perfect and there are areas such as the traversal mechanics that could have been much improved on. Considering the scope of the project I think I'm probably a little more forgiving than I would have been with most other games given some of the problems.

I'm eagerly awaiting part three, fingers crossed we don't have to wait for as long as we did for Rebirth.
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15 Mar 2010
Also finished tonight. id give it 8/10 let down by late game essentially.
Chapter 13 goes on FOREVER and chapter 14 boss stuff is too wild for me.
Its so odd as there's this very clear difficulty spike towards the end of Chapter 12 that doesn't let up from there.

Its better than remake by a country mile and the story as a whole is captivating and surprisingly tugs at the heart a fair few times.
I am definitely in the camp of 'wtf are they doing with the timeline stuff' and this game didn't resolve any of that at all (it just added even more mess), so I hope they can bring that particular aspect together in the final part.

Also shout out to Alexander - man what a summoner. Getting him in fights and watching this massive mech cause so much havoc with his 2ATB ability was one of the many highlights.
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27 Dec 2011
Its better than remake by a country mile

Objectively I'm inclined to agree but I think now I've finished both, I'll probably return more to Remake than Rebirth going forward.

Outside of combat they're quite different experiences IMO. Remake came out at the right time in my life as well, which I think helps its case.
29 Oct 2005
Alexander ??? Man I stopped bothering with summons after phoenix. The battles were just sooo tedious. Coupled with finding those three shrines to make them weaker.
27 Dec 2011
Alexander ??? Man I stopped bothering with summons after phoenix. The battles were just sooo tedious. Coupled with finding those three shrines to make them weaker.

Yeah I didn't bother with any summon post Phoenix either, maybe they help with hard mode but they're too wishy washy to use properly. Prefer the old game in that respect, if you've got the MP, you use it.
25 Oct 2010
I went for all of them, you only really needed to find the first area for each to unlock their easiest challenge mode. Granted, you wouldn't get them at full power, but I found it easy enough to dash around each map for them.

I found all of the fights pretty easy outside of Odin,
plus they're required for the super boss. The lead up to which can be a bit of a nightmare, you actually need to fight Alexander and Odin at the same time in the penultimate fight on that quest chain.
24 Sep 2005
The original is one of my favourite games of all time and I've just finished Rebirth.

Honestly hated the game after Costa Del Sol as it felt like a such a chore to play through at which point I was already invested and wanted to see it through.

There's way too many minigames or mechanics purposefully put there to slow you down especially in the final third of the game.

I won't go into story stuff as I think we all know how it goes but those whispers can absolutely do one.
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8 Sep 2012
Got to Junon yesterday, did everything in the Grasslands except the Plasma Discharge trial so have to go back. Playtime says around 13h.

Started randomly humming the Chocobo theme while going about my day, hope it's not too late for me.
30 Nov 2003
I've just got to the gold saucer as can't play as much as I'd like. I'm really enjoying the game but sadly I do not like the gold saucer. I just didn't get that wow factor like I did from the original and even prefer the version on FF14 online.
25 Oct 2010
I've just got to the gold saucer as can't play as much as I'd like. I'm really enjoying the game but sadly I do not like the gold saucer. I just didn't get that wow factor like I did from the original and even prefer the version on FF14 online.

It has a fun little Starfox style mini game, and there is the odd wow factor, but I agree it wasn't as spectacular as I expected.

I'd also suggest focusing on the main story after that point, there's a couple of fun side quests but zone traversal becomes a drag. I'd continue and get the ability to water travel and backtrack to the side stuff that appeals.

The card game remained fun for me from start to finish, however.
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15 Jun 2007
Upto Ch 13, doing remaining sidequests etc before finishing. Some thoughts...

Pros - big game with lots of content, tasteful expansions to original plot points/areas, combat system, smoothness of perf mode, Queen's Blood, soundtrack

Cons - shameful game engine for an AAA game - quality mode unplayable, too many minigames, bad weapon stat balance, Yuffie, plot changes

8/10 for me at the moment, the good points go a long way in making up for bad points, we'll see what the ending's like...
25 Oct 2013
Just done the parade in Junon - 32 hours in so far.

Really enjoying it and taking my time but I do wish they had built up the main story a bit compared to the sheer amount of side content there is - feels like 1 hour of main story to every 5 hours of side stuff (yes which I realise is not mandatory etc etc)

Also did they really need to put so much humour and so many "wacky" characters in it - the ridiculous humour is very jarring when set right up against a serious plot point. I know its FF and all but this seems a bit over the top at times.
2 Aug 2004
I'm really enjoying this, I think I'm 117 hours in and just started Chapter 13 - the large number of hours is due to focusing on mini games and side quests. I've done most of the mini games, it's just the last level of the crunch challenge, the dustbowl dash and the Queen's blood games at the Golden Saucer. Oh, and hard mode for the protorelic games. A colleague told me the prize in Jonny's chest isn't really worth the grind of getting all the achievements....

I would echo that it was a little rinse and repeat for the world intel quests in each area, but the storyline so far is engaging.

Overall, the amount of hours I've played so far for £70 is great, completely chalk and cheese to the value of say Resident Evil 3 Remake.
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