Is the EU migrant quota system about to fall apart?

7 Nov 2003
I live in the EU but wasn't born in the UK, can I still move to England? Cause I kind of want to. Does it help to inform you that I'm white?

Also, should I get a job and pay taxes or would that be "stealing the job"? Do I just sit at home and "steal government money" instead?


"It depends. Are you willing to work hard? If so then stay away, we don't want you showing up our indigenous workforce, even if your skin is an agreeable colour." - Average OCUK poster
30 Jun 2007
I live in the EU but wasn't born in the UK, can I still move to England? Cause I kind of want to. Does it help to inform you that I'm white?

Also, should I get a job and pay taxes or would that be "stealing the job"? Do I just sit at home and "steal government money" instead?


Whsts that got to do with syrian/north african migrants being settled in countries that don't want them?

Seriously the fact you think they're the same issue is quite worrying.
3 Jun 2005
I live in the EU but wasn't born in the UK, can I still move to England? Cause I kind of want to. Does it help to inform you that I'm white?

Also, should I get a job and pay taxes or would that be "stealing the job"? Do I just sit at home and "steal government money" instead?

It depends, are you an impotent lefty? If not be prepared to have "racist" screamed at you constantly by FishFluff et al until your different opinions go away.
30 Apr 2016
Whsts that got to do with syrian/north african migrants being settled in countries that don't want them?

Seriously the fact you think they're the same issue is quite worrying.

I am just wondering whether, by OP's logic, there exists a scenario where immigrants are acceptable. It seems to me that when they don't work, he's unsatisfied. When they do work, they're stealing jobs.

Why the immigrants are there (as long as it's legally) should not matter to answer that question.
30 Jun 2007
I am just wondering whether, by OP's logic, there exists a scenario where immigrants are acceptable. It seems to me that when they don't work, he's unsatisfied. When they do work, they're stealing jobs.

Why the immigrants are there (as long as it's legally) should not matter to answer that question.

but this is very different to normal free movement.

this is the EU accepting a large number of people externally then telling member states they must take X amount weather they like it or not.

which is completely different from managed/controlled immigration.

It seems to me that when they don't work, he's unsatisfied. When they do work, they're stealing jobs.

I believe from other threads hes a proponent of the Australian style system. ie you get a visa if you have skills the country is in need of at that time.

Why the immigrants are there (as long as it's legally) should not matter to answer that question.

Do you believe large numbers of "refugees" come with correct qualifications and paper work? cause that's very important to the question regarding immigration limits.
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26 Dec 2003
“Do you want the European Union, without the consent of the Hungarian Parliament, to order a compulsory resettlement of non-Hungarian citizens into Hungary?”

If they vote no the EU will just overthrow their government, replace it with a puppet regime and then give their consent. :p
30 Apr 2016
but this is very different to normal free movement.

this is the EU accepting a large number of people externally then telling member states they must take X amount weather they like it or not.

which is completely different from managed/controlled immigration.

Fair point, but we'll never know if that's a bad thing or not. There's no telling that not all refugees would move to the UK or Hungary if the EU didn't spread them equally over European countries.

I agree it'd all be better if the EU was run by representatives of the people who voted on them (although from recent events like Brexit and the US Presidential election we've learned that's not always the best idea either), rather than what they do now though.

Do you believe large numbers of "refugees" come with correct qualifications and paper work? cause that's very important to the question regarding immigration limits.

I believe anyone that is genuinely running away from a war that is destroying the country they live in has the right to feel safe and welcome somewhere else. A lot of people have to stop being selfish, realise that sometimes you just have to compromise tiny little aspects of your own life to help out someone that needs it more.

But as you pointed out, it's hard to tell where someone is actually from, or what their reason for wanting to be here is without any paperwork.

Maybe it's cause I grew up with internet, speaking to people from all over the world. With open borders throughout the EU and in a neighbourhood that bordered with an area where a lot of Turkish and Moroccan immigrants lived.

I love how open the world is. In 2 weeks, my friends and I are getting in a car and going on a holiday to Italy. Just like that. After uni, my best mate can pursue his career in Italy. I am able to keep a girlfriend and large group of friends in the UK. It's a beautiful benefit, but it's not only a benefit for me, it's also a benefit for people in the rest of the world.

I'm just not one to think that the country I live in is the most glorious in the world. In fact, I can't see myself staying here much longer. I kinda dislike it. Mate, have you heard our language? It doesn't make any sense. Needless to say I was very impressed when Syrian refugees came into the shop I worked at and attempted to speak this atrocity of a language to me :p

The only "immigration problem" I ever experienced was that I couldn't always understand what exactly they were trying to buy while still learning the language. Most were very friendly, something a lot of Dutch customers could learn from.
25 Jul 2005
Probably, it's a daft idea in the first place. Claim asylum in the first neighbouring country to the one you're claiming to be fleeing from.

That's kinda the reason the policy was decided on.

Greece (the first "safe" country many Syrians get to) can't look after half a million + refugees, especially at a time it's broke. Dividing the burden between multiple countries seems a fairer system doesn't it?
25 Jul 2005
I see the pink beret crew are straight in here with their worn out race card and hinting that the subject should be censored.

I see skunkworks is straight in Albers with his one line wonders with not ac, debate or anything useful to say... ;)

Have you ever actually made a proper post here?
25 Jul 2005
Not quite, what's happened to the Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Indians and other Asians? They seem to have been wiped out overnight. Oversight? Deliberately left out hoping no one will notice?

Probably in the UK citizen and "born in the UK" category....

Just because their skin colour is different doesn't mean they aren't British or natives...
25 Jul 2005
My English uncle moved to Australia in the 80's with his family. He has one British born daughter and one Australian born daughter.

Now most of his Facebook posts are complaining about migrants, but of course it's the non-white ones that he really cares about.

He also complains that the indigenous (displaced) aboriginal population are alcoholic wasters.

You couldn't make it up really.

Well to be fair to him on that point it is a fairly accurate definition of a lot of them, along with native peoples all over the world. The native/First Nation Americans in North America are very similar, with poverty, drug use and alcoholism a major issue on reserves. It probably (read - does) has something to do with the removal of their rights, lands and way of life over the last 100 years and their being forced to live in small areas by white people who took their children and forced them into boarding schools not much better than prisons before dumping them back into the "community".

But obviously it's entirely the natives fault, nothing to do with the way the Australia, American and Canadian governments and people* treated them, and to some extents still do treat them.

*immigrants - aka people of European and non native ancestors
29 Jan 2008
The poll question is hilariously bad, they've also had a few months of government funded anti-migrant propaganda/advertising campaigns etc.. so it is hardly a fair referendum.

Having said that they ought to be perfectly entitled as a nation to say no to the prospect of having migrants forced on them. Merkel/Germany was encouraging them and it is quite right they carry on bearing the brunt of it.
25 Jul 2005
Comparing immigration in the UK and Australia is a bit odd. Don't they have rules regarding skilled workers etc and thus controlled immigration?

I am glad somebody mentioned different generations as it was left out of the 'Born in the UK' discussion for a long time. People see racism where they want, I see a collapsing NHS and school system but then I just read the news. I did post a link ages ago when the Brexit thread was at the forefront of GD but someone can look it up in my post history if they care enough. But it was essentially about about how the population of Muslim children had vastly increased and made up a substantial amount more than in previous years. I would argue from personal opinion and research that Muslim, Indian families do tend to have more children than most average UK families and it is very short sighted to judge the 'Born in the UK' figure without taking into account the domino effect of the vastly higher migration numbers in recent years.

Theres nothing wrong with standing back and looking at the last 15 years to see how much it has gone up and we are still a very desirable country for migrants so the demand won't go down but our services, NHS, schools, housing are not keeping up the demand and are in such a state that it is enough to push a high enough number that most people didn't think possible to actually vote out of the EU. Whether they have all the facts and just think 'Immigration rah!' is another story but it is a big underlying issue that has been building up.

Racist if you deem me but I do miss ringing my Doctor's and getting an appointment easily the same day and able to actually go over things. Immigration can stay as high as it wants, get services back to how they were 15+ years ago and people wouldn't be swinging their handbags all over the place. Most people aren't blind however and see the correlation between year on year high immigration figures and a downward trend in public services.

IIRC the birth rate of immigrants is about the only reason we aren't below 2, which while good for population control is not great for anything else - it would eventually lead to population decline which in the current system would lead to economic contraction and the inability to look after an increasingly ageing population.

Second generation immigrant birth rate usually drops significantly below first, and by third it's pretty much indistinguishable, because eyou have two generations of British educated people who consider themselves British.

The current waiting time at a doctors surgery is little to do with immigration, everything to do with many other factors.
25 Jul 2005
Wish they were here, going to the local boot fairs and my experience shows it's out of control

Outside of EU immigration UK immigration policy is strict. And it's not particularly like EU migrants don't integrate, as we all have very similar cultures.
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