***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

22 Nov 2009
Someone is a little too familiar with their witch I think :p

<3 Witchy

I'm saying you'll be lucky to get up close before she's already decided to take your face off :p

Hehe, we'll see, chances are if thats the case then she's been taken a little too far.

Since lets face it, her biggest problems are AI, she's ****ed, she's supposed to kill the closest player to her surely, not the 1 running away!
25 Mar 2004
Latest Version 3.0


changelog from V1.0 Beta - V1.1 Beta

*Added medkits back into the safe rooms
*Removed Rave Zombie spawns found so far
*Re-Inserted glass windows into subway station exit on NM1
*Made all safe room items mirror the one before (i.e safe room at end of NM1 has the same items as safe room at start of NM2)
*Fixed some texture issues on NM5 finale event room
*Changed melee weapons spawns on NM1-3 to only allow tier 1 melee weapons to spawn
*Fixed the weapon spawn template randomisation on NM2 so it only spawns one set of weapons from the first 4 spawn positions
*added the info_map_parameters and info_map_parameters_versus entities to each map to limit how many items can spawn.

changelog from V1.1 Beta - V1.2 Beta

*Fixed a couple of Rave Zombie spawns in NM4
*Fix issue where jumping in the lift on NM4 causes you to fall to your doom through the lift floor
*Fixed weapon spawn issues on NM2 (WRU T2 weapons?)
*Fixed infected ladder texture meshing on the ladder next to the start saferoom in NM2
*Added railing to the roof on NM5 just outside the ladder so that chargers can't instakill people easily anymore.
*Fixed floating item spawns on NM3 (garage with the car near the start (incendiary ammo), room next to the gas station (melee wep), room after the warehouse on the side (melee wep)
*Fixed wall that appears/vanishes in the alleyway behind the gas station explosion in NM3 (shows up as you get closer to the fence)
*Fixed medpack spawns in the start safe rooms (NM4, NM5)
*Reduce number of throwable item spawns in NM4
*Remove infected clip from airvent above lift event in NM4
*Add infected ladder texture into NM4

changelog from V1.2 Beta - V1.21 Beta
*Changed the breakable wall brushes on NM1 to be func_illusionary instead of func_breakable, so the zombies can now get through them
*Added a missing infected ladder into NM1
*Changed a few infected ladders to func_ladder instead of func_detail on NM1
*Fixed a couple of rave zombie spawns on NM2
*Made it impossible to smash your way through the door on NM3, the door now slides up when you press the button on the other side of the event
*Attempted a couple of nav mesh changes on NM2, hopefully the bots won't take to jumping out the window after the event all the time now!
*Fixed a couple of rave zombie spawns on NM4
*Think I have finally fixed the lift floor on NM4. Modified lift to run at a set speed and removed all acceleration. Takes approximately 1.5x longer to get up and down but it's better than falling through the floor this way
*Added all the breakable wall brushes to NM4
*Fixed the radio event on NM5 - instead of having to spam the button to start the event it should work as normal. The sounds are still missing here though!

changelog from V1.21 Beta - V1.22 Beta

*Added sounds into NM5 radio finale map!
*Fixed an infected ladder on NM3 which was tiled too small
*Fixed a couple of rave zombie spawns on NM4 rooftop

changelog from V1.22 Beta to V1.23 Beta

*Fixed the rain clipping through the roof on NM1
*Reworked NM1 so the intro can be added again later
*Fixed a couple of Rave zombie spawn points (NM2 + NM4)
*Removed duplicate info_map_paramters from NM3
*Fixed the areaportal around the sliding door at the ladder event on NM3
*Added two fixed laser-sight spawns on NM3 one of which will spawn each map
*Added Swamp Zombies onto the sewers on NM3
*Added Construction Zombies onto the roof on NM4
*Changed some of the Boomer Bile spawns on NM4 for Pipe bombs and molotovs
*Added a couple of weapon upgrade spawns to NM4

changelog from V1.23 Beta to V1.0

*Readded the intro sequence using Heartless's intro from his campaign version
*Fixed the problem where survivors would do a random 180 degree turn after the intro on NM1 facing the wrong way
*Fixed the weapon spawns not working on NM2 and NM3 for T2 weapons. Needs testing though
*Fixed a couple of bad textures on the infected ladders for NM3
*Fixed the lift on NM4 properly now so it will go at normal speed and you won't die if you jump
*Fixed missing roof textures on NM4 roof, the one before the elevator that hunters can pounce up. Also added noclip area here so people can't get out of the map this way
*Fixed a rave zombie spawn on NM4
*Fixed NM5 map finishing right away. Although good for a laugh it wasn't working quite the same in the new compilation method
*Removed uncommon infected from NM2, I think it adds more value to have them in the later levels.
*Updated missions.txt file to reflect template better
*Built cube maps

changelog from V1.0 - V2.0

*Remove Medkits from the map end safe rooms
*Remove clowns from NM2
*Fix Weapon spawns on NM2
*NM3 reduce number of melee wep spawns at map start

changelog from V2.0 - V3.0

*Removed the ability to close all starting safe rooms (once opened) on all maps
*Fixed intro on NM1. infected could spawn and attack during intro sequence
*Fixed a random molotov or two on NM1 which had item counts of 4
*Fixed several cars on NM1 so they are now bashable by the tank
*Updated nav mesh on NM1
*Fixed small "rave zombie" spawn areas on NM1 + NM2
*Added some more infected playerclips on NM1, NM2, NM3
*Fixed some textures on NM2 for the infected ladders
*Added a few extra buildings into the end of NM2 so the infected can't see out of the map so well on the rooftops
*Added some more drainpipes into the infected ladders in NM2 and NM3
*Added ladders to the front of the trucks on NM2 and NM3
*Fixed a rave zombie spawn area on NM3
*Added 3 grenade launcher spawns into NM3 (one randomnly chosen per map spawn)
*Fixed the survivors feet clipping through the lift on the event on NM3
*Disabled trigger_push trigger after the elevator in NM4 is used
*Changed melee weapon spawns in the safe rooms at the end of NM4 and start of NM5 to be forced to either Katana or Fireaxe
*Fixed the event trigger on NM5 (so it actually works now!)
*Fixed a couple of blood spatter overlays on NM5 so they span across multiple brushes correctly
N.B: This campaign no longer supports campaign play, the missions file defines support only for Versus.

How to install and play No Mercy VS in L4D2

First of all download the addon from:


Once done follow the instructions below depending on whether you wish to add it to a client or a server.

Instructions for clients:

1. Remove any previous VPK addons, in the new format to fix stability issues the campaign is published without using VPK's at all. You may remove the maps if you wish but the new version the maps are properly named l4d_vs_mapname.bsp so they will be different anyway
2. Download the file from the link above
3. Extract the content of the RAR file into your L4D2 folder directly, for me this is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2

4. If all goes well this should attempt to merge the maps, missions, and materials folders directly into your L4D2 folder. Say yes to merge requests and yes to overwrite requests. There are no game breaking files in the download we tested it last night.

Instructions for Server Admins:

1. Make sure you have the addon tools downloaded on your CLIENT machine. Once you are sure you have this copy over all the pak02_xxx.VPK files into the L4D2 folder on the server, for me today this is:


This is so the server essentially has the L4D2 addon tools

2. Remove any previous VPK addons, in the new format to fix stability issues the campaign is published without using VPK's at all. You may remove the maps if you wish but the new version the maps are properly named l4d_vs_mapname.bsp so they will be different anyway
3. Download the file from the link above
4. Extract the content of the RAR file to your machine
5. Copy the extracted files into the relevant L4D2 folder on the server (I used FTP for my server)
6. If all goes well this should attempt to merge the maps, missions, and materials folders directly into your L4D2 folder. Say yes to merge requests and yes to overwrite requests. There are no game breaking files in the download we tested it last night.

Known Issues

*Survivors clip through the lift model floor slightly on NM3 when it's rising.

*In order to make the events a bit longer in places we had to add force panic events in, this means you may be alerted a couple of times with a message on screen saying "here they come". I'd like to remove the messages.

*Will add more as people play through and notice things :)


Any and all feedback appreciated and taken on board, found a bug? got a suggestion? let me or Kearney know and we may fix it/update for a future version. At the moment what we have is fairly playable so i'd like to keep it around for a week or so at least before the next version, at least assuming it plays well in VS.

Upcoming Changes (future versions)

*Look into replacing an event or two with the Onslaught events like the ones you get in L4D2!
*Add a grenade launcher spawn or two into the maps (probably NM3+)
*Add additional laser sight/incendiary ammo/exploding ammo spawns as appropriate
*Fix the lift event on NM3 from clipping survivors


Authored by Kearney and I (Hungry Hungry Hippos). Assistance from Pookie Bear on removing the intro on NM1, shout outs to a few of the testers so far (Ellusionist, Tefal, Ruddles, Mrk).

Link for hosting the map on the OcUK servers :)

Original map content by Valve, we do not take credit for building the maps but simply for taking them into L4D2 as a VPK.


Kearney took some pics last night when we played :)








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30 Jun 2007
<3 Witchy

Hehe, we'll see, chances are if thats the case then she's been taken a little too far.

only seen the ngiht witch atm but she went of crazy fast when we tried to sneak by (no shoties in safe room)

Since lets face it, her biggest problems are AI, she's ****ed, she's supposed to kill the closest player to her surely, not the 1 running away!

I have seen her change target if someone hits her with a sniper then another a close range shottie.

He was not amused >.<

But that was vanilla.
3 Aug 2007
She has multiple targets. I think it depends on who's doing the most damage to her.

If not, it's probably to deter people leaving witch fodder for dead.

I've installed the No Mercy map, I'll give it a shot.

Edit: Wow, works great. Only issue so far is there's no medkits in the safe rooms, and.... every single possible weapon spawn has weapons? Same goes for kit/pills/shot spawns. Unless L4D1 just had lots more spawns or something.
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25 Mar 2004
She has multiple targets. I think it depends on who's doing the most damage to her.

If not, it's probably to deter people leaving witch fodder for dead.

I've installed the No Mercy map, I'll give it a shot.

Edit: Wow, works great. Only issue so far is there's no medkits in the safe rooms, and.... every single possible weapon spawn has weapons? Same goes for kit/pills/shot spawns. Unless L4D1 just had lots more spawns or something.

Yeah we picked up on this during the playtest we did, need to change a setting in the map files and republish them to change the spawn rates for Campaign, for VS it *should* be ok already but need to do some testing :)

For the medkits the reason is I took them out of the safe rooms for VS play, otherwise when you get to the end of a map you find more medkits and that isn't normal! in coop the maps "save" the safe room content so unfortunately this means you don't get medkits at the start of the rounds!

To fix this for Coop I would need to add back in survivor closet spawns to allow people to be recovered, and to put the medpacks etc back in. I may do this once I am happy with VS play. The way they work in L4D1 is that there is one version of the map for Campaign and one for VS

Anyway am off to bed, I would like to get a game running on VS tomorrow No Mercy, just need to get Link to upload it and we're set :D
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22 Nov 2009
I have seen her change target if someone hits her with a sniper then another a close range shottie.

He was not amused >.<

But that was vanilla.

Meh, never seen it. She rarely attacks someone who gets in her way. Only time i've seen her truly swap target is when someone else sets her on fire after the first shot.

She should be given more resistance to melee attacks though. It should serve a team right for taking 4 Sniper/Rifles instead of having a Shotgun, the whole point is to have a balanced team. But if she takes someone down its the work of seconds to kill her with a melee weapon while she's stood deciding what to do.
25 Mar 2004
Meh, never seen it. She rarely attacks someone who gets in her way. Only time i've seen her truly swap target is when someone else sets her on fire after the first shot.

She should be given more resistance to melee attacks though. It should serve a team right for taking 4 Sniper/Rifles instead of having a Shotgun, the whole point is to have a balanced team. But if she takes someone down its the work of seconds to kill her with a melee weapon while she's stood deciding what to do.

She changed target on me yesterday when I threw a boomer bile at her the exact same moment she knocked someone else down :p
5 Oct 2008
Just playtested the finale of No Mercy and have to say, the campaign seems much better made then the other version already. Good job guys. I won't upload the current version just yet though as I'm told a new one may be out later today.

Excellent work boys :cool:
5 Oct 2008
Yeh I'll be there too. If anyone wants to start a different Insanity Versus game before the one on No Mercy, please force to OcUK4 as OcUK 3 is reserved for the No Mercy game this evening. This saves me some upload time of having to put it on both servers...

Left 4 No Mercy should be fully uploaded on ocuk3 as of 25 minutes time. The other No Mercy has been deleted.
11 May 2008
Yeh I'll be there too. If anyone wants to start a different Insanity Versus game before the one on No Mercy, please force to OcUK4 as OcUK 3 is reserved for the No Mercy game this evening. This saves me some upload time of having to put it on both servers...

Left 4 No Mercy should be fully uploaded on ocuk3 as of 25 minutes time. The other No Mercy has been deleted.
servers not got fxp? that would be useful
25 Mar 2004
Change of plan on time, I think we're going to start around 9:00PM tonight. I believe Link has sent out some invites for later so we have some people confirmed for the game, please do not be upset if you miss out i'm sure we will get another going tomorrow or so :)

I imagine we will be a bit over subscribed anyway!
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