Recent NYC trippers i got a question.

19 Mar 2024
on the throne
Best thing: Probably the ferry to lady liberty and Ellis Island and chilling. The Comedy Cellar was a good laugh too.
Worst: Not sure I had a bad or overated thing. Maybe I wouldn't bother with going up the top of Rockerfeller because One World Observatory and Empire State were better.

Avoid all "Charity" people, they'll be scamming. Laugh at the bald chinese guys pretending to be monks and offering tokens and beads for money.

i wont go back again too many people in your face scammers, must admit i lost my head with a few of them and the taxi's.

go once and do it all and leave it there, me 3 times grrrrrr nevermind.
21 Sep 2020
:cry::cry: what rubbish. You've got a lot more chance of being pickpocketed and losing it that way than it being robbed from your room safe. Unless you happen to just frequent the most dodgy hotels in the city?

I’ve always carried my passport with me, it goes in my left pocket beside the hotel key/pass and cash. Never had any issues.

Been to loads of places where the only form of ID they accept are passports and theres places like Japan where you have to carry it.

The bum pocket line was said in jest, don’t do that. You’ll end up snapping it!

Anyway back on the subject, you won’t need your ID in NY.
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Nearly done here.. 1 more day and that's gonna be central park and museums on bikes.
I'm done.... Ten days too much for country boy efour.

Katz deli.... Hell of an overrated sandwich..some guys must have never eaten bread and meat before. Maybe just can't cook themselves?
21 Sep 2020
Nearly done here.. 1 more day and that's gonna be central park and museums on bikes.
I'm done.... Ten days too much for country boy efour.

Katz deli.... Hell of an overrated sandwich..some guys must have never eaten bread and meat before. Maybe just can't cook themselves?

What did you get from Katz? I loved it when I went. Did you leave the bloke cutting the meat a tip and get extra?
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Yeah I tipped but the guy I had was a kid barely 18.
The guy next to us washing handing out free slices of everything.
I dunno if we got extra meat tbh.
The whole experience was cool but insanely over hyped.

We had a couple of cheesesteaks a few days before and they were well on par if not much better.

Meat bread and mustard ain't rocket science, maybe I'm just used to eating like s fat got everyday
:don't get me wrong I loved it but I was expecting a lot more from all that hype.

corned beef and pastrami both on rye
21 Sep 2020
Yeah I tipped but the guy I had was a kid barely 18.
The guy next to us washing handing out free slices of everything.
I dunno if we got extra meat tbh.
The whole experience was cool but insanely over hyped.

We had a couple of cheesesteaks a few days before and they were well on par if not much better.

Meat bread and mustard ain't rocket science, maybe I'm just used to eating like s fat got everyday
:don't get me wrong I loved it but I was expecting a lot more from all that hype.

corned beef and pastrami both on rye

Ah right, I didn’t read up or look at the hype of it so my exceptions weren’t sky high going in!
1 Sep 2010
Seems like I’m too late for the advice but just to give my 2 cents anyway. Out of all my trips to USA (NYx3, Vegas x2, san Fran, Lake Tahoe, Boston) the only place that was weird about ID was Boston. Had a couple of places in Boston not accept drivers license and insist on passport. I also found Boston people to have a chip on shoulder and rude. Only place I haven’t liked at all. When I was in early mid 20s I’d say I got ID’d like 90% of the time in bars, late 20s, 30s probably around 50%.

Agree about Katz. I enjoyed the experience and thought the fresh pastrami was great, but $20ish for thin cheap bread sarnie with bad chips and a few huge pickles was mad (circa 10 years ago)
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8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Back home now and can reflect.

We got IDed twice. Once in Washington Arlington cemetery and once, very strictly, at a recording of

The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.​

They were crazy about it. Passport only too. Bit we were prepared. Was actually worth it was funny and interesting to see it working too.

95% of the street vendors in NYC are garbage. Rip off ******** selling overpriced ****. They see you're a tourist and just try to fleece you. Even the better ones are expensive. $20 göt some reheated chicken on some rice...
Yeah no thanks.. do it once then not again All food in NYC is expensive. Even supermarkets are crazy, fresh produce crazy. Milk crazy, dunno how normal folk survive there.
Had some conversations with guys in the supermarket about it all agreed that post covid ***** got Unreal and they ain't sure how much more it/they can take.
Subway is a functional dump. Sad how it can be such a state.
Homelessness is constant, same as any big city.
We did have a blast in ten days, definitely do some things differently for convenience, the weather was 50/50 and messed up a few plans.

I have a lot of trouble relating to peoples opinions and reviews became I myself am a Londoner, a pretty big world city.
Museums and galleries have to be pretty special to impress me, I'm spoilt Im lucky i know this. But NYC stands out for it's sheer scale it's basically London X10.
It's not "better" just bigger louder and more over the top.

It's a very thin veneer of culture and style over an absolute mountain of *****.
I suspect that veneer is getting thinner every year.
Great trip overall. For a non city dweller these mega cities must be other worldly mind blowing experiences.
I'm glad I can say I am a Londoner. It does give you a good footing on the rest of the world.

I think we gonna try Japan next year.
That will be comfort zone -100 :p
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28 Sep 2012
Monterrey, Mexico
I go for around 1-2 months per year as I have a friend who lives there, I've probably visited around 10 times in total. I don't remember being asked for ID at attractions but have a few times in bars, still not common though.

Like most cities, it's very much what you make it. I've been going for years and have noticed an increase in costs, increase in the number of weed shops, and an increase in lunatics on the subway / wandering the streets, but not enough to stop me going. I always try to avoid famous tourist-oriented restaurants such as Katz - you can get fantastic food in Queens or the Bronx for relatively sensible prices but you have to do your research and be prepared to visit places that aren't very "instagramable". Happy to recommend some if anyone wants.

Some expensive places are totally worth it of course. Sitting in the bar at Summit One watching the sun set over the Chrysler building was one of the best things I've ever done there, and well worth the cost.

Another thing I like to do is rent a car and drive around the neighboring states: there's a lot to see outside of the city and it's easy to get around as the road network is pretty good and easy to navigate. If you're someone that doesn't like to spend a long time in a big city, it can be nice to take a break like that. We've seen a fair bit of Canada and the East Coast, starting and finishing in NYC.

I saw this video a few days ago which was interesting and mirrors a lot of my thoughts about the city. My NYC resident friend would probably disagree with a lot of it, but he's a big Democrat supporter.

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8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
That's the multilingual guy I believe.
Yes he's echoing pretty much what most people I watched are saying and thinking.
The circuit "right to repair guy" that's crusading against the ridiculous traps that many tech/machine companies have... Can't remember his name... Anyway he shut up his business, fed up with the way NY had gone.
It's like any city really, it goes through cycles.
NYC feels like a place that was better, has been better.
I'm glad o don't live in any city anymore :p

Louis rossman ... That's his name. Smart guy.
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21 Sep 2020
95% of the street vendors in NYC are garbage. Rip off ******** selling overpriced ****. They see you're a tourist and just try to fleece you. Even the better ones are expensive. $20 göt some reheated chicken on some rice...
Yeah no thanks.. do it once then not again All food in NYC is expensive. Even supermarkets are crazy, fresh produce crazy. Milk crazy, dunno how normal folk survive there.
Had some conversations with guys in the supermarket about it all agreed that post covid ***** got Unreal and they ain't sure how much more it/they can take.
Subway is a functional dump. Sad how it can be such a state.
Homelessness is constant, same as any big city.
We did have a blast in ten days, definitely do some things differently for convenience, the weather was 50/50 and messed up a few plans.

99 % of the street vendors are disgusting, first time I went I thought oh i’ve got to get a hot dog for going around central park. Think I ate two bites then binned it. Rip off. It’s probably why no one ever says to get them.

I’m going back at the end of the year for some christmas shopping (the joys), be interesting to see how expensive it’s got it’s pretty much always been expensive then you factor in the horrid exchange rate it just adds to it. There is a few cheaper but real good places too, Peteys cafe, Joey Roses and on the street cart side of things Mama Jo’s. You’ll get a good meal for less than $10 from those places.
5 Nov 2010
I had a Falafel Gyro with chili sauce from a street vendor, it was nice but not $16 nice!
That was I think the only one we had bar coffee from a specific one by Central Park a few times that actually did half decent coffee (Illy).
16 Nov 2002
The Moon
Went for my honeymoon last July. Don't recall getting ID'd in many places, definitely happened in one bar in Greenwich but other than that I don't recall ever being asked.
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