**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

30 Jan 2015
i have audio popping/crackling only when i'm using my logitech G430 with the USB adapter. otherwise the game works fine with 3.5mm jack.
4 Jun 2009
This game should be called explosive front.....

90% of my deaths by grenades and the annoying thing is.... people even use them when they are standing right beside you....
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
This game should be called explosive front.....

90% of my deaths by grenades and the annoying thing is.... people even use them when they are standing right beside you....

Run with the scout trait and you'll find a lot less pre-emptive explosives spam - homing shot is the one that is doing my head in the most as it almost always kills you and trying to find cover is very unreliable in if it stops it hitting - ran into a group of people who were running around spamming that (think early BF4 ucav spam but worse).

Scout + scanner setup is great as it allows you to see who is cheating (non-subtle use of wallhacks) on the other team really easily aslong as you've accounted for enemy scanner use.
29 May 2007
People still moaning about a game they haven't even played, I'm away with work in Estonia (admittedly great alcoholic fun) but I've actually missed star wars the last few days
No its not deep but it's good and it's good enough. And it looks fantastic. Can't wait it til I get back.
18 Mar 2012
I only played a couple of games this evening but everyone seemed really bad? The first 3 games I played I was top with 20+ kills. Is this normal? Or am I just really good? :D

Crossfire seems to be working well, looks and sounds amazing!
4 Jun 2009
People still moaning about people moaning who haven't even played the game...

If you are referring to me, I have got/played the game so am I allowed to moan about it now?

More or less the same here Josh although I really don't think I will get much more from it, it feels like I have pretty much done it all now.... as total biscuit said, aside from the fun with the regulars.... I'm finding the only reason to keep playing is just to grind the unlocks.

If the patch/DLC on Tuesday is disappointing, I will request a refund.

TBH, after playing this, I kind of want to go back and play BF 4 now.

Run with the scout trait and you'll find a lot less pre-emptive explosives spam - homing shot is the one that is doing my head in the most as it almost always kills you and trying to find cover is very unreliable in if it stops it hitting - ran into a group of people who were running around spamming that (think early BF4 ucav spam but worse).

Not really having issue with long distance pre-emptive grenades, just people who throw it right at you from about 2 feet away...

Not really had much issue with homing shot yet..... any time I have been locked onto, I have just gone behind cover although I am trying to avoid walker assault and supremacy....

Speaking of which, I got to play as han solo on Endor earlier lol.... that is all.
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Not really had much issue with homing shot yet..... any time I have been locked onto, I have just gone behind cover although I am trying to avoid walker assault and supremacy....

Speaking of which, I got to play as han solo on Endor earlier lol.... that is all.

Probably not so bad in the smaller games - I've been playing blast (10v10) and walker assault.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Fully upgraded jump pack, personal shield, volley combined with scout trait and CA-87 is ridiculous - jump pack to get in their face, shotgun to the face, pop shield and volley to keep them overwhelming you, repeat - absolutely no skill required to run a 2:1 or higher KDR even with the "netcode" not cooperating.
15 Nov 2012
Quite Enjoying this , also quite impressed with how it runs on Ultra on a 760 !

Graphics are really good , explosions and the lasers . Love it

Sounds Amazing

like someone said before , i'm enjoying the just jump in shoot at anything and everything :D Haven't had chance in the AT-AT and AT ST yet .

Cargo and Walker i like the most out of the modes .

Nades are a pain , had a couple of people just spamming nade and homing rocket but its all part of it i suppose .
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