***The Official Manly Shaving Thread***

19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
I purposely estimated the cost of DE on a like for like with mach3 and shaving every single day. So if people do begin DE they might be pleasantly surprised that they spend much, much less than they may have expected.

I shave every day, and I buy lots of nice creams as I like a selection, so my spend in similar to that in OP. You can do DE shaving on a very small budget though. Mach3 on the other hand is never cheap. It is the best a man can get though, right? ;)

Draeger, sounds like a Christmas present from the missus right there! :p
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
I bought 100 Med Prep blades in the early months of 2013 and I counted at the weekend - I've got 33 of them left.

Then shortly after I got the original 100, I bought another 200. I think I've got enough to last a fair while :)

This information is of no use to me in light of the question I posted above! :p

I have the 660S. Very happy for its cheap price.

I'll look at that one, I think I could be cheeky and get one up to £40 though.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
I can't find the Merkur 34C anywhere in stock online, can anyone offer an alternative? Either slightly better or the same, I don't want a lesser razor!

The 33C

The chrome plated 33C is a three piece, lighter weight version of the legendary Merkur 34C Heavy Duty. It utilises the same head but with a slighty narrower and consequently less weighty handle. As always, the same fantastic Merkur build quality has been applied making it an excellent alternative to the Merkur 34C.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
Cheers, a bit lighter? Shouldn't make too much difference I guess!

This site has the 34C in stock. I have used this site myself so I can recommend it as a good one to use.

Just to add more info for you. There are the 33c, 34c and 38c. The 34 appears to be the most popular choice. It is short handled, heavy weighted and comes in two parts; the main body and detachable top plate / head.

The 38c is essentially a longer handle version of the 34c and also comes in two parts.

The 33c is a lighter version of the 34c and comes in three parts; the handle, the Base plate/head and top plate/head.

All three are great razors, you just need to discover what suits you personally.

Alternatively the Edwin jagger DE89 is also an excellent starter razor. It is of better build quality than the merkur and is also cheaper. However, the shave is less aggressive.
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19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
Yeah the extra £10 is putting me off :)

That site with postage makes it about £38 which is still more expensive than the £30 the 34C usually is1

I do have a sensitive face when it comes to shaving so maybe a slightly less aggressive shave with the Jagger would suit? I also don't mind getting the 33C if it is better than the Jagger. But I also don't mind the 38C if it isn't too much longer!

I guess I am open to your expert advice :D

When you say sensitive, exactly what though? Razor burn? Product? Dry skin? If done properly, a DE shave will combat most issues regardless of which razor you choose. So long as you nail down the technique you will improve skin condition. The 34c isn't particularly aggressive, it's just more so than the EJ. I read that a lot of people who start with the EJ soon find themselves looking at something more aggressive. Personally I'd say pay the extra for the 34, learn how to use it properly and create a nice smooth shave and see how your skin fairs after a while with that. You cant go very wrong with either of these suggestions though.

No expert, just experienced :) there's many posters in here who can vouch for many other razors I've never seen before. Chances are you'll buy one and look to buy a couple more in time. As is the case for most :D
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
I always do:

With the grain, across the grain, then against the grain.

Important to note that your hair does not travel in the same direction across your face and neck. For example, my neck hair grows up to my chin but it also grows across from the back. My moustache grows diagonally out. My chin is straight down. My cheeks are a bit sporadic in different directions.

It's important to take note of your hair growth in order to create the best shave.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
I don't re-lather between first pass wtg and second pass xtg. Saves time. I do lather before final atg pass though.

My chin always needs buffing and a bit of extra skin stretching.

You mentalist!!


But seriously, always lather, never without :eek:

Need some more shave cream.
Have tried the ProRaso Red and it's okay. Still have half a pot.
Taylor of Old Bond Street was fantastic and I went through it really quick.

Wouldn't mind trying something else, spec me!

I'm currently using trufitt and hill West Indian limes. The missus loves it. I also like the Aaran Aromatics Citrus Bay in the OP.

Geo F trumper always comes highly recommended but it is expensive. Mitchels woolfat is also a good seller.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
I'd say definitely go for a brush and decent soap. If you don't want to spend much a stick of palmolive from super drug is around £2. A decent brush can be had for around £25.

Razors are subjective. If your current one works for you then that's great.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
I'm absolutely loving it at the moment but I do want to make sure I'm helping rid my razor burn and neck rash the best way I can. Has anyone here overcome these problems in the past and if so, tell me more! Also any advice on product upgrades would be appreciated. Thanks.

It sounds like you're getting on with it quite alright as you are. You could try out other creams and see how they fair but by DE shaving and using a brush you're already taking the best steps towards reducing and then eliminating burn.

Time for me to order new creams... but which ones this time?
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
What did you order George?

Best tip I can give is don't expect the best on the first few times. It's likely you'll approach this the same way you would a mach 3 but the best thing you can do is forget everything you know about that. You don't need to scrape away repeatedly like you do with a mach 3. Just one pass with grain, one pass across grain and maybe one final pass against grain (observe the direction of grain, it won't be the same across your face!) . Absolutely no pressure either, let the weight of the razor do the work, and just go slow or you will cut yourself.

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