Stupid Mistake!!

Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Yes it seems a little disproportionate to me - but I don't sit on the other side of the fence like others on here do so one must try and empathise that they see more bad than they see unfortunate incidents so I guess things get jaded for them?



11 Jul 2009
West Kingsdown, Kent.
Yes it seems a little disproportionate to me - but I don't sit on the other side of the fence like others on here do so one must try and empathise that they see more bad than they see unfortunate incidents so I guess things get jaded for them?

Without a doubt, thats 100% right.

All im saying is him getting a ban is not making the road a better place to be, why didnt they just say we are going to write your girl up as she was driving, you dont be so ****ing stupid next time.
30 Sep 2010
I would say attend. It will be 22nd Dec and I think it would be harder for most Magistrates to ruin your Christmas on this one. Especially if they've been dealing with a lot of drunk violence from xmas parties and drunk drivers from the same. Yours will seem mild by comparison. I don't think it can work against you by attending and by showing remorse.

Good luck mate fingers crossed for you.
12 Feb 2007
South Shields
I would say attend. It will be 22nd Dec and I think it would be harder for most Magistrates to ruin your Christmas on this one. Especially if they've been dealing with a lot of drunk violence from xmas parties and drunk drivers from the same. Yours will seem mild by comparison. I don't think it can work against you by attending and by showing remorse.

Good luck mate fingers crossed for you.

Don't bet on it. Make a good impression. Don't look like you are going to cash a giro. Suit up. And plead guilty! Its an automatic reduction for doing so.
2 Jul 2005
Just a quick question,

If I do get 6 points at court and go back to a provisional license, once I have done my theory and practical again and hopefully passed :rolleyes:

How will i go about my insurance, because I am not planning on cancelling my insurance because I have payed it all off anually. When I pass again is this classed as a new license so when they ask how long have you held your license I will have to say 0 months?

Also how will this effect my no claims bonus because I already have one year and was hoping for another once this years insurance is up.

Just a bit confused as to how it will all work.

Thanks, Sam
24 Jul 2006
Hoddesdon, London, UK
Just a quick question,

If I do get 6 points at court and go back to a provisional license, once I have done my theory and practical again and hopefully passed :rolleyes:

How will i go about my insurance, because I am not planning on cancelling my insurance because I have payed it all off anually. When I pass again is this classed as a new license so when they ask how long have you held your license I will have to say 0 months?

Also how will this effect my no claims bonus because I already have one year and was hoping for another once this years insurance is up.

Just a bit confused as to how it will all work.

Thanks, Sam

Have a friend in a similar position, well, not the letting someone drive his car, just 6 points within 2yrs. He passed and got a full 12 point license with 6 points applied. He had to declare this to his insurer and they added about 700 to his premium on renewal. I can't say how much it would have affected his then current premium as he sorned the car and got a refund for the 8 months left then renewed when he passed again (he used a driving school and their car/insurance). He used the same insurer so not sure on the license age decleration, will have to ask.
23 Nov 2007
Just a quick question,

If I do get 6 points at court and go back to a provisional license, once I have done my theory and practical again and hopefully passed :rolleyes:

How will i go about my insurance, because I am not planning on cancelling my insurance because I have payed it all off anually. When I pass again is this classed as a new license so when they ask how long have you held your license I will have to say 0 months?

Also how will this effect my no claims bonus because I already have one year and was hoping for another once this years insurance is up.

You should be able to get some refund on your insurance depending on how many months are left. You could also let your insurance carry on until the end, then get them to send your 2 years NCB. (prob the best thing to do)

If they ask how long you've had your license, you've had it 2 years.
2 Jul 2005
, Wouldn't mind knowing how you got on Hyper?

Went to court yesterday for the first time in my life only to expierence a very unorganised bunch of people!!

Upon arrival I was told to fill out another plea form with all my earnings and outgoings etc even though I had already done all these forms and sent these in a good week in advance so I didnt bother.

Then after a short wait my girlfriend was called into a court room but not me and then they realised it was a combined case and called me in late.

We were then asked if we had our plea forms only for us to reply nervously that we had sent them in, only for them to realise that she was sitting right infront of them.

So she read out our plea form and comments then it went to the judges without even giving us a chance to speak, at first they thought I had no insurance either until the police explained it wasnt the case and it was just for me permitting. This didnt fill me with much hope as they really seemed clueless and after they talked amongst themselves for 2minutes they came to the decision we would both get 6 points and a £145 each.

When I asked if I could make any comments I was told I could say what I wanted but it wouldnt make any difference and they said they could have gave me 8 points so I was lucky just to get 6.

It was pointless going to court and getting all dressed up to be honest because everyone else there was just local riff raff and we were dealt with exactly the same like they didnt want to give us the time of day.

Another thing that annoyed me was the fact they didnt explain that I could still drive until I get a letter from the dvla with the date that my license will be revoked.

So now I am just waiting on this letter and then I have to apply for my provisional again and then do my theory and practical test. I have already spoken to my old driving instructor and arranged that once I pass my theory again he will fit me in for a few lessons and try and book my test.

Another thing though is that I have just been offered to go for an interview with BT for a Telecoms Engineer Apprenticship but this requires a full driving license, now the interview is on the 25th, should I just attend and explain my situation as best I can knowing it will do me no favours...

I am gutted about the whole thing but you live and learn I suppose,

Thanks, Sam
18 Oct 2002
The Land of Roundabouts
Ouch, not the worst outcome, seems like they just wanted you in and out. The court system does seem a mess, Exeter and Milton Keynes have both shown they are quite inept.

Another thing though is that I have just been offered to go for an interview with BT for a Telecoms Engineer Apprenticship but this requires a full driving license, now the interview is on the 25th, should I just attend and explain my situation as best I can knowing it will do me no favours...

Go and explain :) worst case scenario is they say no and you gain interview experience.
20 Sep 2009
I'm sure your lesson would have been learned had the police just pulled you over and gave you both a talking to. The whole process is just a huge waste of time and money. Unlucky man.
22 Jul 2004
Up north in Sunderland
Sorry to hear that mate,

Complete waste of time and money tbh.

How has the gf taken it? She still going to continue to learn to drive? Her Insurance could be interesting. That's if the points show on her licence, My friend got 3 points for running a red light when learning, Points never showed up on his full licence.
16 May 2005
Sorry to hear about the farce in court!

Another thing though is that I have just been offered to go for an interview with BT for a Telecoms Engineer Apprenticship but this requires a full driving license, now the interview is on the 25th, should I just attend and explain my situation as best I can knowing it will do me no favours...

Unless they've changed it recently, when I did my apprenticeship with them (blimey 6 years ago now) you had a year to gain your driving license as obviously some people were only just turning 17/18, so it might/should be fine as you'd technically just be in the same boat as people who are currently learning.
25 Nov 2004
On the road....
Because like it or not, people in this country still stereotype on factors such as this. Especially the older generation.

My old man was the chairman of the bench at a local magistrates court (now retired) in actual fact, from what I could gather from him, they are actually more likely to be slightly more lenient with our non-white friends.

Make of that what you will, but believe me, he had no reason to say anything other than the truth to me - just not his style to tell porkies!!

He could have got worse than 6pts, however unfair it seems to most of us.
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