Democracy, the Cameron way.

Old Coals reviewing your post history you seem to be of the opinion that the UK is currently under the givernance of a conservative part elected for right wing conservative policies.
You are mistaken, there is currently a coalition government.
Getting annoyed at the conservative party is self defeatist, what you really should be doing is showing all the good actions they are taking, and from that encouraging oths to vote conservaive in the future, so they wont have to join with otherrs to achieve power.
Damning them every time someting happens, will make less vote for them, and lead to another labour state under whoever replaces ed the duck prior to the next election.

If you actually want anti europe right wing policies, then try to encourage a proconservative state, not pull it asunder.
Perhaps you are a bnp or ukip man, well in that case your posts are aimed well.
Old Coals reviewing your post history you seem to be of the opinion that the UK is currently under the givernance of a conservative part elected for right wing conservative policies.
You are mistaken, there is currently a coalition government.
Getting annoyed at the conservative party is self defeatist, what you really should be doing is showing all the good actions they are taking, and from that encouraging oths to vote conservaive in the future, so they wont have to join with otherrs to achieve power.
Damning them every time someting happens, will make less vote for them, and lead to another labour state under whoever replaces ed the duck prior to the next election.

If you actually want anti europe right wing policies, then try to encourage a proconservative state, not pull it asunder.
Perhaps you are a bnp or ukip man, well in that case your posts are aimed well.

His posts are nonsense. As others have said, no one was sacked and some of those that said they were going to resign haven't even done that yet.
Refrendum on EU would be stupid. Prett much zero know enough about EU to voice an opinion. Including me.
People would vote no, because of about two bits of legislation(human rights mainly).

And sacked? Have you got inside news?
I don't know why everyone holds up Norway as an example of what the UK should do, they still have to enact all the laws the EU does, they just don't get any say in what the laws are.
Politicians in a nutshell:

3. `On the day we remember the legend that St George slayed a dragon to protect England, some would argue that there is another dragon to be slayed: Europe.'
Tony Blair, in patriotic and vote winning mood on St George's Day 1997 in an interview with 'The Sun' newspaper

If it was with that rag it probably didn't happen, otherwise i agree with your point completely.
Wasn't politics supposed to be about representing the views of your constituents? How does the whip system help that exactly?

There must be a better option than party politics.
Democracy should never be purely public opinion based. That is far to risky. Just think what may happen with immigrants and the racist opinions of many.
As well as many things being far to complicated for general public.
You elect someone you think has a good understanding and generally has your views, they have to act on the mountains of information they have.
it's a heavily flawed system, but the alternatives are worse.
1000s of years of blood and sweat of our ancestors only for our leaders to sell out our sovereignty to an unelected bureaucracy. It makes me sick, it realy does. They should burn down the EU with them in it.

Obviously this is a massive attempt at creating a EU wide dictatorship.
Absolutely. I'm starting to despite Cameron as much as I despite Blair. He's got absolutely no idea what his people want, but then his way is making a complete mess of everything as well.

The Government is not there to provide what the people want but what they need and the two often don't match up.

Much as I am not a big fan of the way Europe is being handled nor how our own Coalition government is handling the economic crisis I'd hate to see the great unwashed masses have more of a say. That would be anarchy.
... Obviously this is a massive attempt at creating a EU wide dictatorship.
Yes, obviously . . .
. . . the call for a referendum was obviously a massive attempt at creating an EU wide dictatorship . . .
. . . or did you mean the three line whip, I'm not quite certain . . . :confused:
Democracy should never be purely public opinion based. That is far to risky. Just think what may happen with immigrants and the racist opinions of many.
As well as many things being far to complicated for general public.
You elect someone you think has a good understanding and generally has your views, they have to act on the mountains of information they have.
it's a heavily flawed system, but the alternatives are worse.

Unfortunately in the last few years both under blair/brown and now cameron the role of the mp is not to ensure that his and his constituents views are acted on, but rather their parties. It makes a mockery of parlimentary democracy.
Personally I'm pro-EU - it's not perfect and needs changing, but I believe it's here to stay, gives us greater bargaining power in the geopolitical arena and I'd rather we were part of it so we have a say in its rules (and a veto) than in a free trade agreement where we'd have to follow the rules without having a say. The case for the EU has to be heard though, at the moment it's only the euro-sceptics who are making themselves heard.

I fully agree with this it would be crazy to look at EEA or trade agreements with the EU as negotiation as it would definitely be....

"We are 26 countries with 450 million people we are doing X and if you want in you can but decisions on how it will work have all been made."

It is better to be one of the 27 deciding how it should be made. Let's not kid on here UK is a powerhouse in EU politics it is listened to when it chooses to speak.
1000s of years of blood and sweat of our ancestors only for our leaders to sell out our sovereignty to an unelected bureaucracy. It makes me sick, it realy does. They should burn down the EU with them in it.

Obviously this is a massive attempt at creating a EU wide dictatorship.

lol :rolleyes::rolleyes: :(
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