How long after knowing your partner did you propose?

26 Feb 2007
Been together 6 years now, haven't asked, I might do at some point I suppose.

Thing is, neither of us are bothered about getting married, and see a wedding as a massive fuss we don't want any part of..
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Wow, 2 days, that seems insane. Saying that, I know what it's like to be under the influence of utter infatuation, it's probably society that makes me boring and dictates that I wouldn't propose until I had lived with someone for a year :p

We've been together 3.5 years.

I'm still patiently waiting.

My friend had a girlfriend that kept going on about marriage. He eventually took her aside and said 'look, every time you ever so much as mention marriage, I'm putting back your engagement date by 6 months'. That shut her up!

They are engaged now :)

Castiels wife.
Oh hai there ;)
24 Jun 2008
8 years!
Met early in High school, you never really get to know someone during that time so things never really became a 'proper' relationship until we left.
24 Jun 2008
Went out with my missus for 2 1/2 years, 1 year engaged, 9 years married next month. Was 23 when I got married.

As has been said already, when you've met the one you know!

Sure you know, but sometimes there's external factors which mean a proposal is just not gonna happen 'early' regardless
24 Apr 2011
Some very short times here :p I think, that anything under 4 or 5 years is a bit too quick to be honest :p Obviously, as shown by a few people here, it can week, and very well, but I still think that very few relationships stay alive for years, if you propose too soon. I don't plan on getting married until I'm 25. The later the better. Want to experience life to the full, and not be tied up so soon. Obviously, people are different.

Wow, some short answers on page 1. Most of my family tied the knot after 4 years - proposed at the 3 year mark then married a year after.

I had an ex who proposed to me at the 4 month mark. Christmas mock exams in my A level year. No way!

Are you a girl? Only reason I am asking is because if you are a guy, you don't see many girls proposing :p
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